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« The Eyes Have It | Main | Nineteen »

May 10, 2013



I'm absolutely positive your mother is there, watching all that goes on, from the sad to the wonderful. I love it when you write about her. It makes me (who never met her) miss her and wish I had. And I forgot she shares my sister Forsyth's birthday.

Danny, a lovely tribute, as usual. Oh, and the nuzzling--how precious.

She was totally glam, your mom.

This is so beautiful….your tributes are always the best! Everytime I see these great photos of your mother, I always hear your Uncle Paul, saying you wouldn't believe it but I have two beautiful sisters. He certainly was right. This song really tears me up, especially today,thinking of my own Mom this morning at Yizkor services.

Danny, what a beautiful tribute to a truly beautiful woman!

Did you notice that your Mom looks exactly like Shirley Mc Laine in some of the photos when her hair is short?
Lovely tribute, Danny.

Such a beautiful tribute, Danny. Your mom lived well, to be remembered with such love. I'm sure her spirit is with you and yours every day of your lives.
I lost my dad exactly a year ago today, almost to the minute, and it did my heart good to read this. They live on in the people they loved.

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