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« Return to Farmers Market | Main | Cream of Wheat Is So Good to Eat »

March 02, 2013


He may have a bit of post-surgical residue, but that punim. That punim is gorgeous.

One might forget the Post Traumatic Stress that Charlie is going through---besides healing--And he doesn't have the same ways to express it as you do, my dear Danny....These last weeks for him, with all the restrictions of movement, I.V.'s, needles, etc., etc. It has to have taken a toll on him, too...One wonders what his dear little being is feeling? OY! Hard times, my dear....Sending Healing Hugs To All Of You...
((((((((((HUGS)))))))))) ALL those pictures of Charlie are SOOOOO Very Very Dear.....!

Hopefully both of you are able to breath freely, smell muffins and latte's, and feel the fresh Air from the outside So happy that all of you are back to full freedom of life, without the strings, baxters, and all kind of incredibly technical drains!

Reading this was a perfect way to start my day. The way you describe your adventures with Charlie makes me feel like I'm right there along for the ride. Thanks as always for sharing what you do. It makes me want to be a better Dad to my own 3 year old boy.

That would have been so cool if the whole Lounge had burst into song.

So much I can relate to here. What a writer; what a dad.

Danny -- stuttering and sensitivity to heat and cold and noise sound like they could be anybody's normal reactions to surgery and three weeks in bed shut away from the world. When one feels a bit fragile and vulnerable, defenses are down, habitual filters are lowered by the unaccustomed, stimuli are much more intense. Your worrying is normal too, of course. I wish you more good time under your belt.

P.S. And maybe you need to write CHARLIE -- The Musical, in which the world does indeed burst into song to greet your return. Has anyone ever written a musical about an incredible parent's drama such as you've been living? No. But what a great idea. Think how many people would relate. Imagine seeing the NICU onstage as a setting for musical numbers, with all the beeping machines and hospital sounds incorporated. Imagine as Charlie's own point of view began to emerge in song. Imagine Oliver watching from another dimension, like Billy in "Carousel." I'm crying already.

SO marvelous to see the two of you out and about and enjoying the places that you love so much! Tis a fine life indeed!xoxo to all three of you dears!

I am so glad I found your blog, Danny. You and your wife and Charlie are just so amazing and inspiring that you make us all question how large our own problems really are. My grandson had a brain hemorrhage at the age of 18 months and I well recall the days/nights of terror my daughter suffered through (she's also described the aftermath as similar to PTSD), but he's going on 12 now and is the smartest kid in his class, although he will never be the most athletic or coordinated. Each child brings their own special gifts and it certainly sounds like your Charlie has brought many. Blessings to you and your family. And keep on writing -- I LOVE your blog!


Thanks Danny Miller for ruining my makeup as tears of black stream down my checks! I could not agree with you more about" Simple pleasures" and the way you described your outing with Charlie brought me joy! I could picture the two of you, and the singing( I am so much like that) poo-poo on anyone who did not understand the emotions you allow yourself to feel( you're very healthy) I would have sat there smiling at a father and son, with my makeup running down my checks had I been there! You made me feel like we all were there! So happy your Charlie Boy is home and enjoying the things he loves to do with his amazing family! God Bless you all!

Charlie suddenly looks much less like a baby/toddler and much more a (beautiful)little boy. You've all been through an experience that stretched you pretty hard, and it's no wonder that it takes some time to find your previous comfort level in your own newly sensitized skins. I don't think anyone in the world makes better use of show tunes than you!

Wow! Haven't read your blog in a while...I love reading the posts about Charlie (so cute and so sweet). I was shocked to see your recent troubles...I cried my way through your updates about Charlie. I could feel your pain and it pained me to see and hear of Charlie's suffering. Overjoyed to see him back on track! Wishing all the best for you and your family. Will be keeping all of you in my prayers. All the best of life to you and yours!

So happy that you two are out and about. SO HAPPY. x

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