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February 20, 2013


my neighbor remembers when Charlie was in PICU
years ago... she was a nurse practitoner there

I hope today is a sunny day for Charlie.

I thought for sure you were posting a video of Charlie singing "The Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow"! I was looking forward to it; however, "Spinning Wheel" will always be my favorite!

I thought it would be a song too! Keep smiling Charlie !

Charlie, my sweet boy, that is wonderful news~! I loved seeing your delicious punim smiling! Kendall and Danny, we are thinking of all of you. I remember how hard it was to have a kid in the hospital. Pls. God he will have his surgery on Monday and you guys will be out of there! Sending you all virtual hugs, Shelly

During Charlie's surgery on Monday, let's all say "poo poo poo". Danny and Kendall, you know what this means. Love, Bubbe Marilyn

Poor little poppet. He's been through so much. Ten days is FOREVER.

Sending you all lots of love from far away upstate New York. You don't know me, but I am pulling for Charlie like crazy!!!!! xoxoxoxo

Whew. Thanks for being so communicative, Danny.

It's so wonderful to see his dazzling smile! I hope the news all continues to be good. I feel for all that your family is going through. I hope your road gets much, much easier very soon.

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