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« Charlie Dances with Gene Kelly and Cyd Charisse | Main | Reality Check »

February 17, 2013


I totally get the Sunday Funk....hated weekends in seemed every problem Ken had ALWAYS occipurred on a weekend...when it seemed all was half-staffed and no decisions ever made... My prayers that your darling boy gets out that hospital and home safely SOON!

No evil third eye, no infection, I've got everything crossed.

The lessons we learn from our children! Maybe the most important one yet - go with the flow. You can't control anything, only your reaction. Love and hugs to Charlie, and to you and Kendall.

I get the Sunday funk, too. Had my very first crying day since Jon was diagnosed with leukemia on 1-23. I told him about Charlie yesterday and we are both sending our very best wishes for NO infection and a perfect replacement shunt right away!

SO MUCH LOVE to you. It's Monday morning Danny and the sun is coming out. Prayers for no infection and that you're back home soon.

Hi, all. Found out first thing this morning that we DO have to be here for at least two more weeks.

OMG, my daughter messaged me this am asking if I had checked your blog lately. I had given up but immediately came to it after having problems taking a Skype class on my iPad. Realized how trite it was compared to reading what you, Charlie, Kendall and Leah are going through. I'm going to reach out to the local Chabad rabbi and put Charlie o n his prayer list & you and Kendall , too. I love reading your writing but I really wish it wasn't about
The trauma you all have to endure. Oy vey, life can be so hard. Wish there was some way I could help. Must start a crochet project for Charlie.

Fauna is just dyyying to see her friend, Charlie. She is very concerned and asks lots of questions and talks about him ALL the time. I so wish we could bring her in for a doughnut fest!
Arg, so bummed about infection you guys. I had fully planned to come over today but we all have a little snotty thing going on and I'm not sure if it's just from our trimming the moldy lemon tree yesterday or something more.
Miss you guys SO BIG!

I am believing very strongly for NO INFECTION!!!!! I woke up at 4 am on Thursday last week and prayed this very thing, NO INFECTION in Charlies Body! Now common sense would tell me if it was going to be present why not in the first few days? Also there can be cross contamination. I hope and pray today is much brighter! Charlie is amazing and God has his hand on his life, and I hope that brings you comfort Danny! I think if he had infection he'd have fever, be crabby as H--L and sleepy and lethargic! I see a Happy Baby Boy in spite of the confinement, poking and the like, that brings me hope!!!! I cannot wait until he is walking the walk of fame picking his stars!! I LOVED the college Sue made, it is the sweetest, just like Charlie!!!

I'd love to offer to come by and see you guys, but we have a bit of a cold! I have made you a dinner though. I hope you like chicken enchiladas. They are in my freezer so as soon as you know when you will be home let me know and I will bring them over with some salad or something.

All extremities that can be crossed are crossed. We think about you all every day.


Your son is amazing. I'm asking all my personal angels to watch over him and keep him free of infection.

Sending all of you oodles of Love xoxo

For the record, I hate staphylococcus too. I am sorry that Charlie is stuck in the PICU on a short leash (aka EVD). However, I am SO happy he is not sick. As I am sure you know, kids with shunt infections can be pretty darn sick. I hope Charlie stays healthy while you count down the days of antibiotic therapy. Be sure every healthcare provider cleans/washes their hands before examining him. xo

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