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February 25, 2013


Danny, thinking of you and Kendall and Charlie and reading every update, which feels like the only thing I can really do from here. Thanks for keeping the rest of us so much in the loop. In friendship, Sue

Danny...I will continue sending all my good thoughts and hugs to you,Kendall and your amazing little boy. Charlie is a trooper and a very lucky little man!!! I'm sure he will be up and picking out his next star to stand on before you know it!

Always extra prayers from the best little patient in Cedars Sinai. Hope he wakes up tomorrow with less pain and his usual sweet smile.

El na refa na loh
El na refa na loh

Blessings and wishes he'll soon be happily sitting up and eating and getting ready to go home.

Such good news! Can't wait for the post where you say you're all HOME!

Thank you, Danny, for posting again. I wouldn't have been able to go to sleep without hearing from you. All my love to Kendall and the boychick.

May I say that, as much as Charlie never ceases to amaze me by how incredibly strong and patient he is, I'm completely stunned by how your sense of humour never seems to fail you, Danny, not even in the worst imaginable circumstances. I'm sure that's what makes an outstanding parent instead of a great one. All the best for Charlie.


I'm thinking about the 3 of you almost every minute of the day. This is my first Facebook post because I just learned how! (I swore I wouldn't) Anyway, thanks for keeping us in the loop. I so much want to help but I don't know what to do. Hopefully, you'll let me know. Meanwhile, lots of love and hugs, and positive thoughts for Charlie's complete recovery.

xoxox Marcia

Thank you, Danny, for taking the time to post the updates for all of us Charlie worriers. Sounds like everything went fine. Can't wait to hear Charlie's stories about this whole medical adventure.

Picturing you awake in the hospital room in the night--I'm sending love. I hope this day post-surgery is the beginning of things getting better and better.

Morphine is really scary, I now know. So, of course, is a child in pain. And big, scary stitches. But they ask mean mending is happening. May he mend quickly and well...

Hurrah! Excellent news. At the same time, I can't even imagine what you're going through (even less what Charlie's going through) in terms of worry and pain and oh everything. Lots of love. What a champ.

All three of you are absolutely valiant! Best wishes for a thriving recovery for all!

So glad to know the operation went well, Danny...Prayers and good thoughts continue coming your way for the further healing of your darling Charlie...Sending big hugs to you all.

Sending good wishes to you, Charlie and Kendall xo

Very happy to read your latest update. will continue prayers and sending white lights to Charlie and the rest of the family. Let's hope he's back to his ole self soon! You're a great family…very

Danny, Kendall, glad to hear that all went well in the surgery. I hope all the news continues to be good as Charlie returns to his normal charming self! Thoughts and prayers continue.
I hope you'll all be home soon.

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