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« Patience, Don't Fail Me Now! | Main | Internal Affairs »

February 24, 2013


Thinking of you all today. Hope the NPO hours are not too frustrating.

Good luck Charlie!!!! Best wishes for a speedy recovery - hang in there little guy

Prayers are with you today.

Hard to believe what Charlie's already been through in his life. Best wishes for a successful procedure today, and a speedy recovery!

I'm keeping Charlie in my thoughts today. Hoping it all goes as smoothly as possible.

Thinking good thoughts for you all! May Charlie's neurosurgeons experience great pride and satisfaction for a job well done this afternoon. All our best always.

We've been following Charlie's journey since the beginning. Best of luck to Charlie today! All our positive thoughts and prayers are with your family.

Go Charlie! May those bright wings be brooding over you.

May Charlie's surgeons be their best possible selves today. My prayers are for you all today and the success of the surgery. Nam Yo Ho Renge Kyo x3.

Thank you again for all your updates! You will survive.


May Charlie sail right through, and may you all be home in a few days!

just read this at 5 pm monday. hope everything went smoothly danny!

Dear Charlie, today is a great day to have surgery. My oldest baby was born today, and she sent all her birthday juju to you! Get well,sweetie, so we can see you here in Chi town soon. You are loved.

xoxox charlie and family! Hope he's well repaired and resting now...

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