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« Debbie Reynolds’ Last Laugh (and Cry) | Main | Betty Ford »

July 08, 2011


I don't think Cukor gets enough credit for the first remake of "A Star is Born". His version is a naturalistic, even film nourish, MUSICAL! That sounds oxymoronic, but he made it work brilliantly.

Dear Danny,
You're alive ! Teasing. Missed you. Great piece on George Cukor. I was trying to think of great directors of today. I could come up with only one: Clint Eastwood.

Almost all my favorite films were directed by Cukor, but the reason for the comment was to invite you to join us at Brooklyn's Prospect Park Bandshell on July 21 at 8pm where there will be a West Side Story Sing-and-Dance along. My mambo is not good, but I plan to snap my fingers like nobody's business.

"Gaslight" is one of my favorite films!

Wonderful post, Danny!

I hope you had a blast at the big shindig!

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