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« Jane Russell, Good Ol' Gal (1921-2011) | Main | Elizabeth Taylor: What a Dame! »

March 09, 2011


I will! I love this post, thank you, Danny! I will make sure Kela hears part of TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD before bedtime tonight!

Wonderful post, Danny.

Like for you, books have definitely figured in my life: reading so avidly as a kid, being a first-time winner in a contest sponsored by the public library with a poem when I was 8 y.o., studying English, then Book and Magazine publishing, and going into the publishing field to work as a copy editor/editor, and like you, sharing favorite books with my children, who, themselves have become avid readers; and as a matter of fact, my daughter won her first contest when she was 8 by designing a sample book cover for a children's book.

Give me a book anyday over the new technology of pageless books, and I'm a happy reader.

I don't know what I would have done without Books, Danny...And I'm not as big a reader as many many people I know. But Magazines were a big part of my childhood, too, and some still are....It is hard to imagine NOT being able to read. This is a wonderful post and I thank you for sharing it with us.

Charlie's relationship with books seems to make him absolutely glow---what a cutie!


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