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« Oscar Barricade | Main | Jane Russell, Good Ol' Gal (1921-2011) »

February 28, 2011


Found this post via a tweet by Neil K. Thank you for the wonderfully written recap-critique of this year's Oscar.

Wait... you made Charlie watch it? I'm fairly certain that qualifies as child abuse, Danny. ;)

But how do you REALLY feel about it? There were some nice pretty dresses.

Thanks for the thoughtful recap and for reminding me of why I haven't bothered watching the Academy Awards for many years. Sunday night for me this week meant two back-to-back episodes of the FX series Lights Out and sound asleep before 10 p.m. eastern. Looks like I made the correct choice once more!

Why can't they just get the producers of something like American Idol to show them what to do?

You took the words right out of my mouth. It was truly awful. The producers need to take a lesson from the Grammy's. At least they know how to put on a semi-decent show!

The only reason why I keep watching the dreadful Oscars is because I know I will enjoy reading your recap better afterwards. And I did.

Another great article. You said everything I was thinking!

With reference to your comments about the Bob Hope Hologram, I was so hopping they would just let him finish out the show and send the "youngins'" home!

I was fast asleep 30 minutes into the show. From everything I've seen and read today, it doesn't appear that I missed very much. The last thing I remember was the F Bomb being dropped and then I was out like a light.

Dear Danny,
Yes, yes, yes, I agree with every word you wrote. I couldn't believe how many people on other web sites disagreed with me.

A few years ago, they gave the Life Time Achievement award to Lauren Bacall, but it was presented at some other venue, and, at the Oscars, she was sitting in the audience. I thought it was a real slap to not have recognized her right there, on stage, at the Oscars. Anyway, they've been doing it that way, ever since.

Eli Wallach, for heaven sakes ! He's a living legend. He deserved a film tribute, there, at the Oscars. It's a real treat for me to see the veteran actors (and others) be recognized for the joy they've brought us for so many years in the industry. But, it's a rotten shame to see them treated like they were second class.

LOL. Thanks for letting me rant a little.

Well I feel quite proud that, without having read your blog first, I managed to touch on many points that you raised. Because you sure do know your stuff and you sure do have a smart way at looking at (non)entertainment. Thanks for this Danny. Maybe someday you can make it to my annual Oscar party.

I suffered through the show also, and I agree with you, Kendall, and Charlie about everything.

"Portman became only the fifth Jewish woman to get a Best Actress Oscar"


Elizabeth Taylor converted to Judaism in 1958 and still refers to herself as Jewish.

Simone Signoret and Gwyneth Paltrow both had Jewish fathers.

Luise Rainer won twice.

In a row.

"Kendall and I were both excited that the Academy had clearly brought Olivia de Havilland, one of the very few actors from the 1939 film who are still with us, over from France to give out an Oscar. But Tom Hanks appeared instead and the presentation had absolutely nothing to do with 'Gone With the Wind.'"

I was thinking exactly the same thing -- the references to Gone With the Wind and winner of two Oscars -- this HAD to mean that the marvelous Olivia de Havilland was actually going to be walking out onto that stage!!! I like Tom Hanks well enough, but what a huge disappointment!

I thought we agreed you wouldn't talk about being at parties with my wife and me.

Love the reference to James Franco's having his creative arm being cut off! I loved the filmed opening skit with Franco and Hathaway inserted into other films, and I even liked the autotuned song medley. It's a difficult gig (even Letterman couldn't do it) and Billy Crystal graciously said afterwards that he was glad he only had to do a minute and a half and not 4 hours. You need someone who has great timing both in front of a huge live audience and a TV audience. Letterman, Jon Stewart, Hugh Jackman, Jerry Seinfeld, Alec Baldwin, Whoopi Goldberg...none were as good as Crystal or Hope. I vote for Bette Midler. Wickedly funny, great timing, irreverent but knowledgeable.

I'm certainly no fan of Celine Dion, either, but given how bad she can be I think she did a respectable job. And as for her singing 'Smile', well, it was written by Charlie Chaplin, noted Hollywood icon.

Danny - Just discovered you and I love your posts! I was doing an internet search for Cyd Charisse (my daughter and I are watching a Netflix rental of 1949's "East Side, West Side" with Cyd, Barbara Stanwyck, Van Heflin, James Mason, Gale Sondergaard (BTW - I think she was a Jewish-German refugee).

You write so well and enjoyably (maybe because I AGREE with much of your perspective!) and your post on Van Johnson was really on target! I'm 50+ and only recently discovered him (this past year actually). Sadly he was very underrated as an actor. I was amazed that your comments about his personal life exactly echoed my own thoughts!! I hope he found happiness in SOME steady elationship, whether male or female. RIP Van - my daughter and I love you!

Danny - are you twittering, on Facebook, or other social media? If not, I guess I'll just have to take note and check in regularly now. Your blog posts are so good - ever think of consolidating into a book?

I used to live in Silicon Valley (20 years) but, (ironically) at the time of Cyd Charisse's death, we were preparing to move back east and here we are! We now live in the shadow of our nation's capital (DC). I'm "virtually" p/t for a Silicon Valley publisher, though the authors need to shell out the dollars to be published by him.

Anyhoo, I'll close here. Just want to thank you for some great reads (I'm eying your piece on one of my fave films "The Best Years of Our Lives" - my 3 daughters all love this movie!). I'm also Jewish and appreciate your "Jewish" slant too!

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