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December 07, 2010


Wonderful post! We celebrated Hanukkah in our hodgepodge household by dancing the Hora while singing "Oh Hanuakkah," and giving the kids each an Advent Calendar. Hmmmm. XO

Happy Hanukkah, Danny!

"Human Smoke" by Nicholson Baker puts good old FDR in a rather new light concerning the Jewish community.

I'm glad to hear that the Obamas were able to mix it up a bit on putting the wide variety of religious traditions in the USA in high-relief.

Happy Holidays!

Happy Hanukkah, Danny! I'm glad the house tour went well. I wish I could have been there. The story of the 12-year-old boy is so sweet!

Happy Hanukkah!

Our Chanukah at home has been mercifully low-key, but only after feeding 180 at Temple Judea Friday night! Talk about an "oy" moment!

Can't wait to read "Human Smoke," and wish that I could share it with my dad z''l. He always despised "King Frank," and was reviled by the Jewish Community's adoration of him.

Happy Chanukah--get those latkes before the grease congeals!

Happy Hanukkah Danny! With Hanukkah being so early this year, it has not worked out for our family to celebrate together and that has been disappointing to me.

I,too, have been shocked at the insensitivity of people.
Our Amway celebration for Achievers in the business was held in San Diego Dec 1-5. We had a great time, but no mention was made of Hanukkah. At the end of the big recognition ceremony last Friday night where Colin Powell was the surprise keynote speaker, they announced from stage that we would end on a song of "unity". They brought out a choir dressed in robes and sang "Silent Night" with a picture of baby Jesus on the screen.
Oh well.---or as you would say--"Oy".

Oh! I wish Larry and I could have been on the WAHA tour this year! It sounds like your house was a stand-out!!! Your family are real troopers!

This year I had our Indian neighbors in for latkes and chicken soup and a few days later we were all singing Christmas carols to the seniors with our girl scouts. This group included a number of Indian mothers and daughters and a quite orthodox Jewish woman from Russia, who, in keeping with the spirit of good will sang out 'Christ The Savior Is Born' in full voice.

And why are all the good Christmas songs written by Jews, anyway? And why is the best Christmas album of all time produced by a Jewish Madman (The Phil Spector Christmas Album) I don't expect any answers, I just ask

Belated Happy Hanukkah to you and your family!

A belated Happy Hanukkah. My knowledge of history is just appalling, but I do have one bone to pick with your presidential synopsis. I don't know of too many Jews who like FDR (aside from the christmas card blunder you mention). He did nothing to help Jews in WW2. I think he even turned a ship full of Jews away from the US when they had no where else to go. Thank goodness for Sugihara.

My family (grandparents, great grandparents and other relatives) are framed in my dining room too. It feels like more of a party when they are there with me. And unlike my children, they never throw food on the floor.

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