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November 08, 2010


Dear Danny,
I'm hugely relieved that film makers have finally gotten away from the cliche obligatory vomit scenes which are supposed to pass for a natural and believable reaction to every upsetting occurrence in a person's life. I found it disgusting, unnatural, and completely unbelievable. For many years, those stupid scenes ruined every single film I saw.
Thank you,

You think barfing was a cinematic trend, Gordon? I do think it worked in "An Unmarried Woman." I might puke, too, if my spouse of 16 years dumped me over lunch.

Kendall Correction: It wasn't that I was fascinated by breastfeeding, it was that I was the only one in the room with a movie star, her baby and her breast. Mom had to take a phone call, Dad excused himself as quickly as possible with my sister Brooke following him as fast as she could and there I was! We all fell in love with Jill Clayburgh that day, starting when she opened the room service menu and shrieked, "Ten dollars for corned beef hash!" I always adored her as an actress. For someone like me who's always been in love with the thirties and forties, she was my saving grace of the seventies!

I think you should watch this film again Danny..Because I think it DOES Hold Up, very very well! I saw it not that long ago....!
The folm that I will always remember Jill Clayburgh for is "Hustling"...She played a New York City street prositute named "Wanda"---And I thought she really WAS the real thing! It was a stunning performance that stayed with me and I was absolutely positive they had found this 42nd street prostitute who brought such a reality with her---It Was Startling! (Lee Remick played the reporter who is doing a story on NYC was based on a book by Gail Sheheey and she co-wrote the screenplay, I believe)...That performance and "Unmarried Woman" were two of the most wonderful pieces of acting by anyone, ever!
A brave woman in life and a brave Artist, too!

Oh...and I forgot to say that I believe Jill Clayburgh Vomiting was a FIRST....! I don't recall ever seeing anyone throw up in a film in the graphic manner that took place in "Unmarried Woman"..and it was indeed, Memorable because of exactly what you said.

Now....almost every film made contains the gratuitious Throw-Up scene. It Is AWFUL!


Do you remember Starting Over, in which Jill Clayburgh plays opposite a Burt Reynolds...and oh, Candice Bergen as Reynold's ex. So heartbreaking, so funny, and it made me want to be Clayburgh's best friend.

Thank you for this lovely tribute.

For many of the reasons, esp the line you mention, this movie will hold up for a long long time,. Other lines that have the same bracing reality to them, if you'll permit me mostly because of the way they're spoken: "They're not meetings" she answers Martin defensively while getting undressed as he watches (early!) cable tv news scroll set to classical music. Meetings were what socialite Tippi Hedren had on her schedule once a week in "The Birds" - this was getting together "once a week to sit around and complain", as her friend puts it later. "You're ex-old man's a f*ckin' asshole", Gorman tells her (after his "Arividerla, my ass!"), before she sleeps with him, which of course is true, and how great that this small breasted woman with slightly crossed eyes could also be framed as a beautiful woman, (and rightly). "Ah, the awsome sanctity of marriage", is her sarcastic retort to the news of Martin's engagement. And daring and smart is the answer to the question "Where are all the women?" - that Fonda doesn't hold a candle to Hepburn. I could probably spend the next 2 hrs here. I was searching for the screenplay of A.U.W., one of my favorites, online and was delighted to find the title of your blog, (a favorite line of mine and the only way I can ever ask that question). Never seen your site before, and wished I saw a profile because I don't know who you are. I'll be mounting a new post soon on a site called "the architecture of film" I'm beginning, with some favorite scenes from AUW. Nice tribute.

I really like the 70's New York street scenes. Garbage piled up, a decided lack of glamor . . . oh, for the days...

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