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« Hey There, Georgy Girl | Main | The Judy Miller Show (Season Finale) »

May 09, 2010


This is soooo beautiful! Thank you and wishes for nothing but good Mother's Days---and all days--- ahead for all of you!

Posts like this remind me how incredibly powerful and life-affirming love really is. Thank you for loving your family enough to write about them for the whole internet. Happy Mother's Day to Kendall!

Adorable, adorable, adorable! The love just oozes out of him! One can't help but smile seeing this. : )

What a perfect post for Mother's Day, Danny. Looking at pix of a healthy, smiling Charlie just makes my day.
You and your fam deserve nothing but the best - and by the look on Charlie's face, I think you have that covered.
I love coming back to your blog. It's better than food :-)

Danny you are the sweetest man on Earth!

Charlie has the most beautiful smile ON EARTH. And I get the feeling he smiles A LOT -- it's not just paternal selection of the best shots. He too seems grateful and joyous to be here.

Kendall, enjoy this hard-earned Happy Mother's Day AND MANY MORE.

good gutshot call,doctors are not right all of the time. charlie is here to prove that.

...and to that daddy and husband who supports Kendall, Leah and Charlie in every way possible -- hats off to you, Danny!

Hope you all had a special Mother's Day.

OK, I've kept a stiff upper lip through all this, but Danny, you got me with the Mother's Day blog. I'm bawling.

Kendall, will you adopt me?


Happy Mothers Day Kendall, I am so happy that you guys are at this point in life with a happy and healthy baby.I pray all your days are good ones as I have come to love this little family through Danny's amazing blog.

As you said, what a difference a year makes! Happy Mothers Day, Kendall!

Mazel tov to you and Kendall for the wonderful job you're doing with your family and to Betsy and others for all their love.

Happy Mother's Day to Kendall. I'm glad things keep getting better and better.

No wonder Charlie has such a big smile for his mommy .... she's the best! Many happy Mother's Days, Kendall.

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