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May 24, 2010


Just came across this on twitter [@absintherobette]. One of the main points you're missing is that Desmond is immune to electromagnetic energy. That's why he was the key: he couldn't be killed by the power at the source of the island. It's also why he survived the destruction of the hatch, and it's what Widmore was testing when he brought him to the island. So it wasn't just that easy to remove the cork - only Desmond could have done it. Jack ought to have died when he experienced the same level of electromagnetic energy, and I think his death resulted from that rather than his knife wound.

This was, by far, the most understandable recap of the show I've read. We watched the first 3 seasons obsessively and got bored mid-4th and quit. Thanks so much for the Cliff's Notes version!

Also, next time there's some sort of pivotal TV event (Jersey Shore starts again in the fall! :) ), I'd love to see (read?) you live-blog it.

Ah, Helen, that's a good point about Desmond and his odd powers (how did Widmore know that Desmond was special in that way?). I retract my statement about how "easy" it was to uncork the Source but still wonder if Smokey knew he'd become mortal again when the Light went away. I really don't understand that, that should have signified his big "win." OR, did he know that would happen and WANT to become mortal because that was the only way to leave the island? That must be it.

Thanks, Sarah! The premiere of next season's "Jersey Shore" is our equivalent of uncorking the Source and snuffing out the Light. Snooki IS the smoke monster...

Danny, sorry to say, this is the first of all your posts that I can't appreciate, never having watched "Lost." I can't wait until late July when the "Mad Men" analyses begin!

The names of the Jersey Shore housemates have become synonyms for STDs in our house (i.e. "Once I was careless in college and got The Situation. A round of antibiotics cleared it up." "What's that weird rash? Is that Snooki? How'd you get THAT?")

“Every question I answer will simply lead to another question". Please bash my head in with a rock...but apologize first. I can't take it anymore with my inner dialogue and debate.

If the H-bomb didn't create the sideways world, what DID it do?

I'm also someone who never watched an episode of the lost. After reading your blog, I'm glad I didn't waste my time. I'd rather read the Torah any day. Especially if they're not any Jews, but the twins sound suspiciously Jewish to me.

"still wonder if Smokey knew he'd become mortal again when the Light went away. I really don't understand that, that should have signified his big "win." OR, did he know that would happen and WANT to become mortal because that was the only way to leave the island? That must be it."
-i think that MIB's goal at that point was to sink the island and leave. he thought that "uncorking" would destroy the island (along with possibly extinguishing the light throughout the world?).... jack thought that it would somehow facilitate a way to kill him. they were both right. uncork-kill smokey corkback-save the world. :)

"If the H-bomb didn't create the sideways world, what DID it do?"
-i think that it put them back in the present time. (though i'm not sure and have wondered that as well.)

i'm just a random reader... i enjoyed your recap and thoughts.. i love the application of "every question will lead to another question" soooo true. i cherish shows "with a plan" and wish more could be in the vein of lost.

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