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May 02, 2010


Oh Danny Miller I love reading your blogs! I started coming here for Charlie updates and I always love seeing pictures of him. I am always in awe of your writing. I am so sorry your affair with the Buick has come to an end, but ah the memories. You deserve the happy fun times you, Kendal, Leah and Charlie have. I hope and pray that everyday will hold wonderful adventures like the past 10 days have been. I am a bit jealous of your time with Alec Baldwin though, just saying...

As far as I'm concerned, Buick ought to give you a Buick LaCrosse as a lovely parting gift for the fabulous publicity and public relations wizardry that you performed for them on the occasion of their presence at the film festival.

I'm happy to see you so enthusiastic and delighted over your experience. By the way, Charlie is too cute for words and a happy belated birthday to him!

I'm knee-deep in boxes in central France but the door is open if you want to mosey on over. On another note, I would like to write a fan letter to Alec Baldwin. Did you get a secret address for him? Ha! Ha! Ha!

Breaking up is hard to do, eh?
Danny, this is one of the BEST reviews on the Buick LaCrosse I've yet read - and that includes the professional ones!
I laughed, I cried - it became a part of me...
I love the movie star parallels, and think you've made a direct hit with Audrey. But the real charmer of this review is that blue-eyed, grinning little ray of sunshine that you posted at the top. I think Charlie should be our new spokes-baby. That would surely put Buick back on top.
I am so glad you enjoyed the ride, but please don't hit any goats. It might leave an unsightly mark on the road and would definitely annoy the goat.
Stay in touch, Danny, and feel free to send salivating, potential buyers my way!

You named her! This means that you really did bond. I've named all my cars since I met Myrtle -- the old, trashy pink goddess I owned at 16.

You and Audrey were a beautiful, if illicit, couple. If I could I'd break her away from the chains that bind her to the collective fleet and make her yours in a ceremony overlooking Hollywood Hills. I'd dress her in a new coat of wax and nothing else. Charlie could be the pink slip bearer.

Leah, having been gifted the ancient Honda as an early 16th birthday present, could circle it three times chanting for a pre-marital divorce. I did that often with Myrtle -- it never worked.

Great review - it IS a beautiful car! Hmmm, wonder if they have them in Europe yet?

Danny -- we at Buick are SO happy to have met you... not only were you a TERRIFIC person to have picked for our LaCrosse event with the TCM Film Fest... but because it is refreshing to see someone we've never met love our new LaCrosse as much as we do. I have also begun a love affair of my own -- reading the antics of Danny Miller

I can't wait to meet you all in person. Thank you Danny, for your passion, your openness and for your gift of clever prose.

Just so you know, Mr. Miller, Mother's day, our anniversary and my birthday are coming up. I hope you can muster a few Buick worthy words for me! Though truth be told, I understand this love affair of yours -- in fact, kinky though it may be to admit, I'm pretty into my husband's mistress myself!!!

Dear Danny,
I talked to you with tears in my eyes, but you wouldn't listen. Your very own new Buick Lacrosse is right in front of you. Just slap your entire blog between two hard covers, and voila ! Tons of instant cash, and your new car, and all the gas that thing can guzzle is yours.

I agree with The Pliers.

Buick should give him the car for this gushing post.
It's given me pause and I just test drove an Audi last week.

Dear Ms. Normandin:

Can't you figure out a way for Danny Miller to hang onto that Buick? He can write about it once a week....rejuvenate your advertising...make Buicks cool in L.A....and doesn't Charlie need a nice safe, solid car worthy of him? Not to mention worthy of his very tolerant wife, Kendall.



That's it. I'm boycotting Buick until they give one to Danny...

You need to go test drive a few different cars on day....

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