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« Charlie's First Passover | Main | Happy 100th Birthday, Anita Karoll! »

April 02, 2010


Damn, that sounds fun. I lived across the street from a frat house in college, but fraternities were popular with the engineering students, and I'm sorry to say, I had no interest whatsoever in anyone in engineering school. Funny how I ended up working with them for 20+ years. Heh.

LOVE the buffalo head. Do you get to keep that? Perfect for a baby's room, doncha think? Take photos of the kegger party. I'm sure it will be plenty of fun. :-)

Hi your house! I'll be over for the kegger!! Maybe you should have a toga party too! Have fun...

At first I thought this was an April Fools post, but as I read on, it was far to realistic (not to mention a day late). We lived a block away from frat/sorority row at the University of KY when I was in high school, and I always felt like I was observing another species, sorority girls parading in hoop skirts and umbrellas during pledge week stands out in my memory... your house looks very cool (and very unlike my image of LA).

Just another day at the Hailey/Miller house!

Danny, even your house is famous.

That's crazy! And awesome!

Whenever I start to wonder if my life is too exciting, I read one of your posts and the utter tedium of my life is put immediately into perspective.

My now ex-husband & I lived in Oakland (Pittsburgh's University District) in an apartment building sandwiched in between the campuses of the University of Pittsburgh and Carnegie-Mellon for 12 years and have more than our share of both funny & unpleasant stories from this period. From a keg rolling down our street in the middle of the night to some pretty bad vandalism of our cars by random drunken strangers. This neighborhood was also popular for film shoots at that time--with both Hoffa & Silence of the Lambs, as well as other lesser movies, filmed on our doorstep. After awhile we became very blase and even a bit annoyed about the whole continuous disruptive business.

Now I live in a former slum that's becoming a gentrified hipster haven. Thurs. night the cops came because of a punk band practice that got too loud (no I wasn't the caller) and last night this same crew kept me up till the wee hours with their drunken outdoor chatter on an unseasonably warm evening. And I was just thinking "boy, am I getting too old for this?" when I read your post. Maybe I'll find a way to become enthused about such artistic interruptions again as you are. LOL

Looking forward to seeing your famous house on the screen once again, too!

Forgot to mention that this neighborhood is also a film center now, too. The currently screening She's Out of My League was filmed here last year and some upcoming Jude Law film was being made here over the winter. A few years back Smart People was filmed right on this "crappy" street. So while I thought I escaped the young frat boys & constant filming when I left our University District, it seems to have followed me across town!

Only you, my dear friend, could find a way to make associations to the Holocaust from a frat party being filmed in your house.

When I was studying in London, our landlord rented out the downstairs of our flat for a short film.

I remember one scene required a cat, and it was VERY IMPORTANT that there be silence at all times when the cat was on set. As I snuck up to my room one day, I spotted the cat sleeping on the living room couch amid all the noise and bustle of filming -- it couldn't care less.

Luckily, we were compensated with free breakfast and unlimited tea from craft services during the filming.

(First-time poster -- love your blog, and Charlie!)

Um... what happens if the pilot sells? Will that buffalo head be hanging around indefinitely in that case?

When we lived in MN I was dozing during a late-night rerun of Matlock and opened my eyes just in time to see him leaving a house just like the one we'd just purchased in Wilmington, NC. Weird feeling!

I'll pass on the kegger...and the buffalo head, thank you. Yowsah, that thing is ugly!

your lucky they were not drinking morgan david

That's great. Forensic Files wanted to use my living room for an episode that took place in Iowa City, but it was my daughter's 10th birthday, so I couldn't help them.

Reading this post was beyond fun. Sorry I have not been exactly a faithful visitor to your blog. I wanted to check on how you, the family, and Charlie were doing.

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