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« Donuts n’ Formula | Main | Oscars 2010: The Ten Commandments »

March 06, 2010


Hi, Danny!

Our daughter and niece went to see the new 'Alice in Wonderland' today and enjoyed it.

It seems that you have a good time, too.

One of my favorite (possibly apocryphal) Hollywood anecdotes about Olivia de Havilland concerns her firing her publicity still photographer after many years, maybe 20, of their working together. She felt that he and his camera weren't capturing her beauty with the camera with the skill he'd used to. So, that was that, and she "let him go" as they say. I believe she was hovering around forty years old. Well, I know just how she feels!

Here's to hoping that Kathryn Bigelow has the luxury that James Cameron is probably expecting: that of issuing a sincere congratulations to your ex-spouse.

Have fun watching with your wonderful family!

Great piece.
Danny, you're adorable...

Loved the review of the siblings nominated in the past and the Oscar death shroud pix. Will look forward to your Oscar review as I usually go to bed an hour or so into the show (East Coast time) since I leave for work at 6:15 a.m. and can't stay up till the end any longer. Please show us Charlie's fashionable Oscar watching attire. I declined to "dress up" for the party I was invited to in a local apartment! I just can't get *that* enthused!

ooops---to clarify, i mean Kathryn Bigelow will congratulate her ex for his nomination because she will have deservedly have her Oscar in hand for The Hurt Locker!

You were right on 4 of 5 predictions--and Gabourey Sidibe was a real longshot (but wouldn't it have been fabulous if she had won!).
Were Farrah Fawcett and Henry Gibson in the "In Memoriam" part?

OOPs, I missed half of the Oscars, but coincidentally I recognized Meryl Streep's brother sitting next to her. He's an assistant principal at the high school in Manhattan that my daughter attended. (Absolutely verboten to ask him about his sister!)
Loved this blog and look forward to your commentary about the Oscars.
I hate violent movies but may see The Hurt Locker anyway, perhaps after Inglorious Bastards.

As I watched the Oscars last night, I kept thinking to myself: "I can't wait to read Danny's write-up of the event and the results!" See, it's you I associate with this infamous award show!

BTW, please comment on what you thought of the Baldwin-Martin hosting.

I would love to see a movie in a REAL theater. I need to get to LA and go with the Miller's.

Chris, the boys and I were in Anaheim the first week of March. We spent a day at Universal Studios. Duke [10] wants nothing more than to be a filmmaker. He's written George Lucas, and is currently "working on" a screenplay. We let him take the private back lot tour and he was in heaven. He saw real Oscars, and the molds for the smaller ones that line the red carpet. We had a blast!

Now that I think about it... I haven't shared with him that Charlie's [who Duke in particular FAITHFULLY prayed for] parents and sister are creative, writer, actor, singer folks. He'll think that's way cool!

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