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March 01, 2010


What a total sweetheart of a guy. Thanks for the updates!

Hah! Bob's is my fave too. Once in awhile, my husband, Larry, stops by the F. Mkt. for coffee and spies the Mazursky table. Is that Illeana Douglas' back on the left side of your photo?

Charlie can now consider himself a "Regular" at the Market. He's in good company!!!

I'm weeping, that was so beautiful. Danny, stop making me cry. I can't believe what a big old roly-poly he is.

Hmm, is it my imagination, or is he starting to look more like his Mom than like his Dad? (Love that last pic!)

Grief can bind people together because they understand in a way no one else can.

So glad that Charlie continues to thrive.

I love going to Farmers Market whenever I'm in LA, too. And thanks for the charming pictures of Charlie. It is great to see him doing so well after all he's been through. I will never forget your posts from early in his life and how we all sent the positive thoughts your way. It means so much to see Charlie looking so happy and spreading that happiness to others as he becomes a Farmers Market regular. XO to you all!

I remember when my kids were little being up and around hours before any of the stores were open. Thanks so much for keeping me in touch with Charlie and his growing up. I can't wait to see both of you in person.

great post danny! charlie looks amazing! keep on keepin on w/ the donut ritual- fabulous! I just have to tell you that one of my all time favorite movies is Paul Mazursky's Next Stop Greenwich Village! I adore it! I hope that you, kendall, leah and charlie will visit us in bellingham in the summer so we can take you to our marvelous farmers market!

Danny, this was so much fun to read. I love the picture you painted of bonding over donuts and formula early in the morning while rubbing elbows with FM staff and regulars, eavesdropping on industry folks, and witnessing the Healthy Mom brigade at the Grove. Charlie looks cuter than ever.

When a great guy and a terrific writer are one and the same, it's a treat for everyone. Thanks for this.
In fact, when I was visiting LA in the winter, the first place Lisa took me was the Farmer's Market. There I found wonderful vintage postcards, endless food treats, and sat next to some Israeli punks who only stopped their rowdy bragging about various criminal activities when I told them in Hebrew that I understood every word.

What a punum! Poo, poo, poo! (You're cute too, Danny).

Bubbe Marilyn

I am so delighted to be able to read of Charlie's good health, your fun together, and your global gratitude and empathy.


Hey, Mr. Danny Miller, when are you going to try to hone in on that little Mazursky group and plug *your* writing wares? I'm sure you'd have wonderful creative insights of your own to offer the group. Tell them Pearl insisted you join them for a brew and a shmooze.

Charlie, you are a people magnet, that's for sure!

Danny Dear,
So happy to read of your ritual at the Farmer's Market, a must-stop for me whenever I visit L.A. (Did see Ileana Douglas at the table.) So sorry we missed you on this last trip. But for sure next time. Donuts are on me. Formula you'll have to do on your own. Can't wait to hold your gorgeous baby.

Fake Grandma

Love all your posts but especially this one! There's nothing cuter in the world than sweet Charlie's face. BTW, you're the best dad. Will you adopt me?

Made me cry happy tears. Thank you for sharing.

Charlie looks so chubby cheeked and healthy. You guys are such great parents. I try to count my blessings everyday .

Yes, your writing is wonderful, and thank you for it. But please answer the burning question: is Charlie officially a red-head? He's in good company with his big sister..

it's no wonder he's such a happy baby with parents like you! he looks so healthy and happy, please give him a squeeze for me.

Charlie is such a sweetie. Love the early morning donut ritual but those Healthy Moms sound seriously frightening.

We had a little celebration the day that J was home with us longer than she'd been in the NICU.

I think I know what you mean about that brotherhood. I think I read because I like to feel, well, accompanied? And I like to feel that J is accompanied too? Burbling now! Here's to many more donuts. xo

Such a sweet tender post Danny...It's so fantastic to see Charlie so Healthy and Happy and filled with the Joy Of Life!
And you and Kendall, too....

Lovely to see a little bit of The Farmer's Market once again. I spent quite a bit of time there over the many years I;ve lived in Los Angeles..And LOVED Every minute and morsel of food,!

Love to read about roly-poly, robust Charlie after all your family has been through. My son lives in LA (two of three kids went to USC, though we live outside Chicago, so I enjoy your comments about Chicago too). I love the Farmer's Market and its proximity to the Grove and CBS - we went to see Craig Ferguson's show there. I just love your blog and hope to see your comments about the Oscars. Your posts about movie stars, LA, TV, and film are wonderful, and beautifully illustrated.

are crisy cream donuts on the west coast?

I LOVE the Farmers Market; great vibe-stopped in one fine November morning when I was walking to Canters on Fairfax---yes, I said walking...unlike the song-"Walking in LA" I walked from the Peterson Car Museum and The Tar Pits over to Canters....did not get to see the CBS studios...I did go to Kimmel though that night with half a corned beef and chopped liver sandwich and ate it in front of The Kodak Theater before the Kimmel show....found a great new site to check out- I sent the link to the blog to Louise so she could keep up with Charlie...he looks and sounds great....take care or each other and especially Charlie...we will be out there in LA before too long...going to SF in March (not So Cal) Say HI to Betsy

I thought Mazursky bought it in a mob poker game...OH WAIT...that was on The Sopranos

Despite not knowing you in any real sense of the word, the pleasure of seeing your beautiful boy thrive has been a real one. Thank you for sharing him with us!

This post is perfect... hilarious and sweet too! Your Charlie is gorgeous and miraculous.

Also, I was laughing so hard during your description of the “Healthy Moms”... yes, only in LA. Ha. I need to get over to the Farmer's Market again soon.

Glad to see Charlie's just thriving and doing so well and you and your family are enjoying the life you dreamed of those many months ago in NICU.

I'm happy to see your pop culture content returning in full force to your terrific blog AND reading about your adorable son. Two good things together!

I just experienced two extreme emotions while reading this post. I was biting my tongue looking at Charlie's bubblicious cheeks, intrigued by the people you see at Farmers Market, and smiling at the wonderful blessing that is a healthy, happy Charlie.

But then, I clicked on the link at the end of your post. "It's been one week since Layla went to heaven." First sentence of the most recent post. How devastating. I'm so sorry.

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