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« Ghosts of Thanksgiving | Main | Merry Christmas from the Crosbys »

December 03, 2009


Children definitely have a way of making you happy year-round, but especially grateful around the holidays. Charlie is a special joy though, and I smile every time I see his face. If I thought you would, I'd ask for daily updates. :-)

I think I need more of Charlie's smiles in my life. I've been railing like Job lately over everything from computer issues to car issues to dopey clients. And didn't I just say to someone about an hour ago that the holidays were "an inconvenience to my work"?! As you would say, Danny, OY! Keep the photos coming!! Love them.

wow danny
leah looks just like your mom from the side when she was dancing!! the best to you and your family! enjoy and enjoy the holidays!!! (remember when we use to make the fruit boxes for your dads's clients! how fun was that we loved the holidays!!

Charlie = free therapy for everyone...
Happy holidays to all.

He really is a miracle baby. I'm so happy that he's doing so well!
What an amazing little guy :)

Any reason to embrace the holidays is a good one for me, and Charlie makes it even better.

Charlie's sweet smiling face made me smile as well! What a cutie-pie!!

Loved all the photos, and your post. Happy holidays to you and your family!

Both your children are luminous and so is your writing and your thoughts and your scrooginess.

I agree totally with elizabeth. a beauty of a photo...Happy Chanukah! (I know I'm early )

Aw Charlie is so sweet. Who could be grumpy with a smile like that around?

J is definitely pretty sturdy and doesn't make much of a fuss when stuck in the leg for her jabs or when she falls over. As you say, when you think of all they've been through it is not surprising they are so tough!

I won't repeat my condolences and I certainly won't comment on your grief process but. . . well, you know. I agree with everything you've written here. Riding the waves with you.

Yeah. give it up. You'll just hand in your curmudgeon card now. There's no way to fight that much cuteness in your life...And why would you want to? Ha ha.

Thanks for sharing the sunshine with us Wednesday night.


Much love to you all Danny. I hope to meet Charlie soon.

You can't copy right that--what would the rest of us do! G-d your babies are so sweet together.

By the time he is 18 and has wrecked two cars and has a pregnant girlfriend you can start the curmudgeoning.

Going through my own life changing/altering experience; reading your take on life gives me hope.

I haven't blogged in a long time. I'm afraid to write about things. I'm afraid that if I talk about something i'm afraid of that it will just make it more real. I'm afraid of the evil eye too.

But your strength, your emotion, your honesty gives me hope that people can survive earth shattering experiences.

God bless you and your family and keep writing. I love reading about your son, your daughter, wife and family and the fact that you are still writing gives me hope that there is life after so much pain.

I am constantly reminded and amazed at the beautiful gift my son gave me by showing me my immense capacity to love.

Hugs...and happy holidays.

How wonderful it was to finally meet Charlie (and to see the rest of you, too) last week. Those photos are so sweet, but he's even cuter in person, if that's possible. Leah is such a doting big sister. Happy Hanukkah to all of you!

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