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« Home Again, Home Again, Jiggity Jig | Main | Shake Your Lulav! »

October 02, 2009


You can't just mention Charlie's voice and expect us (well, okay me) to not get obsessed about hearing it. You must post audio!

Will do, Maria, as soon as I capture it on video!

I agree with Maria! I want Charlie's voice! I'm so happy for you all (Begone, evil eye!) and can't wait to meet Charlie in person. Do not stop posting his pictures--I love them.


We are all now captivated by Charlie. He was brought into our homes and hearts, and over the months we've all come to feel like his extended family. The child will never lack a place to stay when he starts globetrotting!

So evolution means, in this case, that this is now Charlie's blog as well as Danny's. It has to, because if I didn't get these pictures and updates, I'd feel robbed. :-)

Oh when can I kiss him???? I'm so glad he's home. As much as I miss having little babies around I don't miss the midnight feedings and diapers and sleep deprivation. Enjoy!

Thanks for another great update. Speaking of adoption views in the past . . . My mom was raised by her aunt and uncle after her mother died when she was two months old. This happened in 1928. It was only when my mom started working in the late 1940s and went to get a Social Security card that she discovered on her own that her parents weren't her parents and the last name she had used for 20 years wasn't actually legal since they never officially adopted her. Then she discovered one of her Uncles was actually her biological father and she had an older sister with three children living in another state whom she'd never been allowed to have contact with before. When she confronted her mom/dad (i.e., "Aunt/Uncle") about this they got angry with her for bringing it up and changing her name to her real legal name! Yeesh, could you imagine such a thing even being allowed to happen in today's world? A secret that big kept for over 20 years? No wonder my mom is so screwed up. Well, anyway, we're all glad to hear that Charlie continues to thrive. Keep the good news and cute photos coming!

Lovely addition and I enjoyed the Wilco clip. I sometimes forget that it was Wilco that brought me here and for that I will always be an even larger fan. ☺
My mother and her sister were always introduced by my Grandmother in this way; "This is June, my step daughter and Barbara, my adopted daughter". They hated that and not only considered her their real mother but also that they were real sisters. Funny how people can be, no?
Can't wait for the audio!
Thanks again and again.

I'm am so delighted to know that the two of you parents are finally getting to have some simple, luxurious moments of just gushing and smushing over Charlie.

He is obviously so kissable that it would be very difficult not to stop once one got started. He is going to have one crowded little finger, that little guy!

BTW, I have a little sartorial gift for Charlie that he is going to have outgrown having never seen if you don't tell me where I can drive to deliver it personally. I'm afraid no other form of delivery will do. It may get too small as I'm driving to LA.


I just couldn't be happier for you guys!! I am looking forward to hearing little Charlie's voice, bless his heart. :)

Plotzing. Again.

I would have cheered for the Baroness right along with you. I must go to the sing-along next year! I've been meaning to go since I moved to LA seven years ago.

What a truly awesome boy!!

Great news about Charlie's voice! And thank you for posting the Wilco segment - it was one of the few weeks that I missed that show. I wonder why the reporter thought she was in the suburbs?

This is wonderful, wonderful to read.

I don't think I've ever seen a sweeter face on a baby. So nice to see that smile, after all he's been through. What a tough little guy. I can't help but think that he's meant to do something great in life.

Every picture you post of your smiling guy makes me grin, so keep the pictures coming. It's the best pick-me-up I know.

Looks like he has such a cheery disposition. I think I've said 'wow' in my comments a few times already and I still have to say it again. Wow. His face makes me feel happy. I don't know when I'll ever stop wanting to watch Charlie. Look forward to hearing him.

I know it's impossible to say this based on photos alone, but little Charlie seems to have the sweetest expressions and a real sense of humor? It's been amazing watching personalities emerge in my children, and I'm so happy for you as you get to see Charlie's unfold. People told me that baby's initial traits stick with them, and I've found it to be true for my kids. I bet you Charlie will be a great and compassionate companion.

his smile is infectious.

You can NEVER post too many photos of or stories about Charlie. Never. Please don't stop.

I've been following your last few posts in my Reader. So glad your beautiful boy is home. He's the cutest little guy. Delicious is an understatement!

I enjoyed the Wilco piece. What a Cinderella [or Cinderfella] story! So cool!

I have loved reading your blog for the last few months. Fell upon it when looking for an old movie. I love seeing photos of babies - they always make me smile, no matter what. Always a delight no matter what mood I am in. Thank you for sharing your this part of your life, it has grounded me during these months of the recession. A child's struggle and oh what a delightful child.
Malka of Malka in the Closet.

Seeing and hearing about your little guy will never be annoying. I celebrate every time I look in, and I've sent healing thoughts to you all since he and his brother were born.

He is beautiful!


I enjoy your blogging about Charlie. If you return to your pre-baby subjects, please post the occasional Charlie update. Why do I cry every single time I visit this space? Must be something in the vents...

I agree. Audio, please!

Now you know the truth: Once you have a child, your heart really does walk around outside your body. Don't you dare stop writing about Charlie.

I met the real Maria from SOM when I was a teen. NOTHING like Julie Andrews, as I'm sure you've heard.

Sorry, Danny, but you can't ever stop writing about the True Adventures of Charlie Miller. He is way too adorably appealing with that divine smile and those bright eyes. His many fans want constant updates!!

xoxooxo Susan

What a great post - Charlie looks delicious. Keep posting the pictures, I love to see his smiley chubby little face.

Danny, Really, with all that Charlie, you, and your family has been through, your posts will never be that of an "obnoxious parent who can’t shut up about his kid"! This story has been one with high drama, and any day we get to see pix of his cute, happy mug, is a day everyone reading is happy! All the best.

So happy you have Charlie home again! Please keep us updated on Charlie - just having read all that he and your family have been through, just opening this blog and seeing his adorable smiling face is like peeking in on a true miracle- it lifts my day and makes me count my blessings- thank you for sharing so much of your personal story.

As much as I miss having little babies around I don't miss the midnight feedings and diapers and sleep deprivation. Enjoy!

Lovely sweet pictures, Danny...And I'm sure you won't have any problem turning on that fertile spigot of thoughts and feelings and stored information...! lol...In fact, you DID do it, today!
My fourth Blogging Anniversary is here and I give you full credit in the post I am just about ready to put up--after I leave here!

Yeah, I agree with everybody! Please, please, please, keep writing about the beautiful Charlie!!

yes, i too love this blog, do i imagine charlie
has clara bow lips? Wow, he's adorable...I agree with will be soon enough when he'll want his privacy.
i also love the wilco which i missed on tv...
keep writing...any thoughts on marek edelman and his death...the last commander of the warsaw ghetto? great obit in the amazing life.

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