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« Everything’s Coming Up Roses | Main | Charlie’s Favorite Magazine »

July 27, 2009


So much sadness in the world. That poor young woman.

Leah looks wonderful - young and full of promise. Hoping Charlie has his surgery as scheduled and all goes well.

I don't comment often, but believe me, you every update is anxiously awaited over here in the UK.

I read the story about Lily last night. I'm so glad they caught the murderer; I haven't read about that yet, but there is no reason to her death. I can't imagine being her parents.

Leah looked so vibrant in her part. There's just something about her that shines through and rises above, and it's not just the red hair. She just has that *it* factor. (P.S. Did you tell her to pay her damn rent?)

I think of Charlie everyday, but I'll double-up on my prayers for his upcoming surgery.

I'm sorry Charlie had such a hard day, but I'm glad he rebounded fairly quickly.

Congratulations to Leah on fulfilling one of her dreams. My niece was at the Saturday-afternoon performance.

The death of Lily B. is shocking and horrifying. I feel so bad for her parents. Sounds like she'll be a great loss to the school, also.


Bravo to Leah!!!

Like the other commenter, I anxiously await your Charlie updates. Please know that he is in my prayers nightly, as are you, Kendall and Leah.
G-d Bless.

What a wonderful video. Leah shows such promise. How awful to hear about her school mate. Hope Charley continues on the good path. Everyone remains in our thoughts.

A good reminder--that our emotional states and our lives aren't often either/or but and/and. Better to accept the complexities of our feelings and situations than try and cultivate monovision.

I wasn't able to access the video, but I'm so happy you were able to share Leah's achievement and that the two of share a passion for musical theater.

Wow, Danny...I LOVED watching Leah in Rent! I know every word of this musical and it was SO COOL seeing her in it! She's amazing! Charlie's got a special big sister : )

Once again, a magnificent post. I second what Siobhan says - your posts are eagerly awaited.

Both of your children continue to amaze me. Leah is stupendous - I cried real tears this morning, watching and listening to her. What a roller coaster of emotions she must be experiencing this week. My heart goes out to her, and all of you.

Dear Danny and Kendall:

Regarding Leah: A star is born! As for what to do when bad news hits -- The Bible, Broadway or bourbon. Sinatra used to say: "I'm for whatever gets you through the night." Hope your long night of bad news breaks with a dawn of glorious sunshine.

So much in this post. The roller coast ride is exhausting. You're all doing amazing. Glad Charlie is on an upswing [I hope he is as I type this three days after you posted]. We'll continue to pray.

Lovely Leah! Neat. I'm partial to red hair [have always had a "thing" for it, even as a kid] so she's a star in my book already. Talented AND stunning. She performs with maturity beyond her years. Just neat.

Tragic news about Lily. I'm sorry.


I have read your blog for a couple of years and always enjoyed it so much- your interst in all things Broadway and Hollywood and liberal politics totally gibes with my sensibilites. I also read Kendall's book many years ago and loved it especially her writing style and the moving portraits of her family.

My prayers are with your family. I imagine someday what a wonderful gift it will be to Charlie to read your detailed chronicle of his struggles when he will hopefully be a thriving young man. He certainly has 2 wonderful parents and a special sister.

My best to you all. Eileen Godfrey

Hey! I got my peritoneal shunt at Cedars six years ago. The difference was like I'd been to Lourdes. Hope Charlie finds that as well.

Watching, praying and sending much love and admiration to you, Kendall, Leah and Charlie. Home soon.


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