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July 12, 2009


Happy birthday, Kendall. May it be full up of love.

Watching the two of them looking at each other with such love brings tears to my eyes. I hope you all have a wonderful day together today.

He's growin gup before our eyes!!

Happy Birthday, Kendall -- and may you all share many more happy occasions together.

That was such an amazingly sweet video, and the picture of Leah & Kendall is precious!

Happy Birthday, Kendall!

Kendall hon, I've never met you though I've grown to feel I know you pretty well. Glad that you got to meet Bob when he was out in LA and glad that you have made one of my most favoritist people in the whole wide world so very happy and complete! I hope to meet you one day, and your precious little baby boy too. Happy Birthday!!!

A birthday once, a birthday twice, I hope this birthday is especially nice! Many happy happy joy joy moments to you all today! You are one lucky woman dear Kendall!

Dear Kendall,

To You and Milton Berle-



Helena, John and Bammie

Loved the video and picture. Nice you could work Charles Nelson Reilly into this birthday tribute. Happy birthday to Kendall and best of luck in the week ahead.

Kendall...we love you!!


Susie, Jeff, Spencer and Sammy

Dear Danny,
In the midst of trying times, it's easy to overlook some of the most important people and occasions. Good for you, for posting this tribute to your dear wife Kendall for her birthday. I already know all about her. I was born under the sign of Cancer, too (July5th). Happy Birthday Kendall !

Wishing a beautiful woman a beautiful birthday. Sending much love and wishing only the best of everything -- to you all... Happy, happy birthday, Kendall!

Happy Birthday Kendall, I am sending prayers to your baby boy

I loved those little knit hats in the NICU. My son (who is now 6, weighing in at 2lbs. at 28 weeks)still has it a few of them. We marvel that his head was ever that small. Happy Birthday to Kendall and blessings to your family.

Dear Kendall,

It's very clear that your son is giving you loving looks for your birthday. What a gift! Please enjoy the day and the thousands more to come with your little Charlie.

Hugs to all,


Dear Kendall,
Here's my birthday wish. When Danny is wishing you a Happy Birthday one year from today, he's writing "Remember how overwhelming everything around Kendall's last birthday was? And isn't it amazing how everything has worked out so very well?"

Have a lovely birthday with your adoring family.

Happy birthday. Everything good that Danny said is true.


This video is so sweet. Charlie has adorably huge ears.

What a beautiful tribute to your wife. She's almost exactly a year younger than me. Happy birthday, Kendall!

I met my husband when I was 17 and he was 18. We also we unable (not ready) to accept fate. 20 years later we got married, so 20 must be a lucky number, at least that's how I choose to see it.
So glad Charlie looks so well.

Your relationship sounds like a great love story. I say this because it sounds a lot like my life with my husband.

Happy Birthday Kendall!

Beautiful post. All the best to both of you, and Charlie is looking so great! Kimberley

Happy Birthday, Kendall!

What a great Mom you are! Charlie is so lucky to have you and Danny as he fights his heroic daily battles.

Love from all of us,

Andrew, Rosalinda, Elisa, Sophia, Joseph, and Gina

Happy Birthday, Dear Kendall!
Loved Charlie's newest video -- Look how alert he is!
He is soaking it all in.

Sending lots of love and good thoughts.


Two days late, but the wish is still fresh: HAPPY BIRTHDAY, KENDALL. Enjoyed the video, music, and latest view of sweet Charlie.

Fake Grandma

Kendall--Only another musical video could be a good enough response to the picture of you and Charlie showing so much tenderness and love.
Happy birthday and many happy returns of the (good parts) of the day.

Another frustrating time at a computer but as i sit with earphones in the library, nothing comes out & the person who works here was no good. But at least i see the visual part which is so loving. Pu pu pu
ah, what a beautiful love story of mother and son, and a great birthday many more beautiful video birthdays, I toast you all
thanks for the updates.

Danny, I have been reading your story since Neil first linked to it on Twitter. I have not commented because it is so hard to know what to say. How to express both sorrow and joy for someone you have never met. Today, though, I must speak up to wish Kendall a happy birthday. I had no idea that your Kendall was Kendall Hailey, whose book I have read so many times. I have always secretly thought of her as a friend (or at least a kindred spirit) and I wish her the happiest birthday possible (even if I am a few days late).

I read Kendall's book as a teenager, saw her play in Pasadena and just always was thankful to have had a role model like her when it mattered. I just now thought to look her up to see what she is doing and came across your blog. This video is so lovely and it makes me incredibly happy to see that she found her soulmate - that kind of connection certainly is what makes life's tragedies bearable and the joys so incredibly sweet. Mazel Tov on beautiful Charlie.

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