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« Tightroping Between Denial and Catastrophe | Main | Charlie is 50! »

June 11, 2009


Kendall was glowing! How amazing that must have felt. And I saw Charlie's eyes looking around after he was laid down...he was probably looking for Mommy. :-)

Oh you three! Don't know what to say. Love you.

Wonderful to see Kendall holding Charlie. May you both have many more moments like this soon.

Another beautiful video/appropriate soundtrack.

That was my first song at my wedding (it had to replace "A Whole New World"). G-d willing it should be Charlie's as well.

Kendall, Charlie, Doris Day...
Danny's musings...

What a lift to my morning.

Just finished reading yesterday's post,too, and all of the comments. You are blessed with your crowd of fans who pray for you and your family, including me!

Fake Grandma

Danny: Quite possibly the most lovely thing I have ever seen. Blessings and continued love to you all.

Isn't it THE best feeling? Congrats! Love, Julie

Beautiful! Kendall looks so incredibly happy.

Okay, I just cried big tears into my morning coffee! I loved seeing Kendall glowing w/ joy and charlie;s wide open eyes!

Sitting in a hotel lobby crying. Wish someone would ask me why my tears are falling so I could tell them...I'm watching Kendall letting us share a moment of her most amazing mother love --glorious to see what can lie ahead for you and your family with Charlie--more of these moments.

Thank you for posting this, Danny. That's what bliss looks like.

Ah, you made me cry! So glad for you all...

I've been waiting for this. No words to describe the joy on Kendall's face. And when Charlie opened his eyes, I was sobbing, "Hi" to him. Going now to get a Kleenex.


Now this is my favorite video. I agree, I haven't ever seen Kendall that happy (in the 30+ years I've known her). Enjoy these times.


It would be impossible to be any more delighted for all of you!

Thanks a lot. you just made me tear up at work. That was so sweet.

My tears of joy made my coffee salty while watching Kendall's beaming face holding Charlie. Beautiful, just beautiful.


Wonderful! Thank you for sharing it!

AWW!! The look on Kendall's face is pure bliss! Still praying! G-d Bless!

i'm crying over my computer. bless you for sharing-- we're pulling for all of you.


NIIIIICCCCEEEEE. This makes me very very happy. xxoo

My goodness, that was sweet and absolutely made me cry. You are all on my mind, and have been. Again, thank you for sharing your roller-coaster days with us.

Heaven has nothing on this.

Every day a small step forward. Be patient and keep the faith. Cousins Marc and Judy

Quit making me cry!!!!!

In his little moment of alert blinking and looking around afterwards you can see how galvanizing, in a soothing way, Kangaroo Care is. You know there are all these studies that show how much we physiologically need touch and cannot thrive without it. Keep it up! This is giving Charlie more strength than anything.

Oh my gosh, that was pure gorgeousness!

Ohh wow--I just cried my eyes out watching this--
I love to see Kendall smiling- what a perfect mommy she is!- and knowing her as I do--Mr. Charlie is luckiest kid in the world--
He is precious! His sweet little beams opening at the end of this video!
And Danny you are my hero for posting this video.
Love-Kisses-and hugs all around.

so madonna and child statue come to life...words cannot do justice,
sending white light of healing and strength to Charlie and your family daily across country.

There is no capturing in words how amazing all three of you are. But the picture captures it.

Damn. Every time I watch one of these videos, I end up a big blubbery snot-filled mess. That kid just yanks my heartstrings.
Kendall looks completely blissed out.
Sending you all lots of love.
Go Charlie, go!!

Auntie Lori

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