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« Praying for a Boring Day | Main | Charlie Rules »

May 10, 2009



You and your family will continue to be in my prayers. I'm so sorry that you have to go through all this and wish for a speedy recovery for your son.

Oh and yours are most definitely in my thoughts and prayers, Danny.

We are praying amd send all our love.

Thanks for the additional update. You all remain in my thoughts.

Thinking of your family all the time, Danny. Keep growing, baby Charlie. You can do it, little guy.

Hoping and wishing the very best for you and your family. Thinking of you all the time.

We're keeping you, Kendall and Charlie in our thoughts. Make sure to take care of yourself when the get the chance and go Charlie, be strong!

Thank you for this beautiful post, and for the update, which touched me on so many levels. The tears are flowing. I'm sending my love to all of you. The photographs are wonderful and Charlie will be so amazed when he sees them and hears the story of how his life was saved.

How beautiful these photos are. May G-d give you both the strength to deal with everything you need to face. May my continuing prayers help. I send you heaps of white light of healing to all of you to keep all of you strong and healthy.

I hope your mother is looking down on you all, putting in a good word on your family's behalf to the head honcho up there to keep you all safe and on the mend.

Sending you many brachot/blessings...

We're still here with you, Danny. Healing prayers are up for you all.

I'm so glad he made it through the surgery. That photo of Kendall's hands on him, made me tear up. It's so beautiful and poignant. Charlie has the best parents around.Happy Mother's day to Kendall.

Oh Danny,

I thought about Kendall all day yesterday. Her first Mother's Day as a mother! I'm crying again. Give her and Betsey my love and have some chicken soup. It always helps. Caroline (English friend) sends her love.

Let me know when I can meet you at the hospital.

Love to all,


Dear Danny,

The picture of your Charlie holding Kendall's hand was so moving .... my thoughts and prayers are with you all and my hope is that there will be many happier Mothers Days to come with your son getting stronger every day.

Love to you all.
Marilyn Molnar

Stay strong. Stay strong. Stay strong.
Still praying and sending the best thoughts to you and your family.
Thank you for taking the time to update. It means a lot to friends you haven't met, like me who care and wish you all the best.

I've just caught up on your news from Spencer's blog. As I commented to Spencer, you are all so obviously a very tight knit family and I am sure that is a comfort to you all at this time. Go Charlie! Kia Kaha.

Oh Danny . . . Thoughts and prayers and love to Charlie, you, Kendall, Leah, and Oliver. Just trust that what's supposed to happen is going to happen---and that your mother is watching out for all of you.

danny: the tears are running down my face after viewing these very touching photos. you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers each day.

Keeping all of you in my prayers this night!

happy blessed mother's day, sweet kendall. danny, thank you for sharing all that is happening. we love you and lift up beautiful little charlie in our thoughts and prayers. tight hugs, jo & steve

Praying hard for the whole family, but especially Charlie. God must make him alright.

What incredible baby photos of Charlie and Kendall's hands!He's in such good (and God's) hands.He is adorable!

May he grow healthier each day.
My prayers and thoughts are with you and family ~

I'm sending you love and strength, Danny. - Jennifer

Sometimes, I wish you were not such an incredible writer. You had me at "Mother's Day". Love to you Kendall, Leah and Charlie. Julie

Beautiful picture, beautiful post and alot of tears of joy for your son who WILL BEAT this! He has to, he has a beautiful strong and loving family who is going to take him home, and you are all going to live a healthy and happy life together! Please take care of yourselves...and who cares about the ambien....whatever it takes, my friend. You need your strenght.

Love, Arlene

Danny and Kendall,
I'm still thinking of you all the time and sending my most positive thoughts your way. A belated happy mother's day to Kendall, and a gentle caress to Charlie.


Crying. So sorry Danny for the recent setbacks and heartaches...


Oh Danny. Sending all my love and prayers to you all.

That was me above.

You and your family continue to be in my thoughts and prayers.

oh dear hearts! (forgive the familiarity from a complete stranger!) the photo is breathtaking as is the whole story (even when there is so much more to write.)

blessings on you and you and you

Danny: Does he have a Hebrew name . . . ? Not that you need to add another thing to your list, or that a prayer without a Hebrew name wouldn't do any good. But on the off chance he does, I'll get his name mentioned at synagogue on Shabbat.

We're all thinking of and praying for all of you.

The ups and downs have to be so incredibly difficult and moving and beyond emotional....You all are in my thoughts and my prayers, especially little baby Charlie---May he be strong and healthy and home with you all, as soon as is Humanly possible....What dear dear pictures these are Danny....
I hope you and Kendall et some rest, my dear...Don't worry about whatever you need to take to get to sleep or anything else...It will all be fine!

We follow Spencer's blog and read about your family. Someone gave me some great advice when my son was sick as a baby ten tears ago. No matter what, forever and ever, Charlie and Oliver( and Leah, too) are your children. You are forever connected and that should make you feel better, it is a wonderful miraculous thing. You are the one they will turn to forever as their Dad. You and your wife are very lucky, no matter what, to have them as you own.

Do not worry about all the residual stuff, the world will be there for you when you return from taking care of the baby, your daughter, your wife and yourself

Mi shebeirach Avoteinu m'kor ha-bracha L'imoteinu.
May the Source of Strength Who blessed the ones before us, help us find the courage to make our lives a blessing, and let us say, Amein

love you all danny.... thinking of you and praying and sending magic an good wishes

xxxooo jill

We think of you always and we can't wait to meet Charlie. Love, Tom & Lisa

wow.. amazing pics, amazing family

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