George W. Bush began his second term a few weeks after I started this blog. His second Inauguration was even more depressing than the first. The only saving grace about his first day in office that time was that we knew that every 24-hour period brought us closer to the day when he would finally leave Washington for good. I did the math in that bleak moment and realized we had 1,459 more days to go. It seemed like forever. I know it’s ridiculous to blame Bush for every problem facing this country, but at the very least, let’s say that his supreme lack of responsible leadership exacerbated the ills that were on the way. To sum up, many of our worst fears about four more years with Bush and his minions were realized…and then some.
I remember exactly where I was when I wrote on this post on January 21, 2005, the first day of Bush’s second term. I was in Susina Bakery on Beverly Boulevard and La Brea near the Hancock Park neighborhood of Los Angeles. I was sitting at a table facing the window drinking a latte and eating a plain croissant. I felt sick. Everyone around me was quieter than usual, somber and disheartened. And now, to mark the glorious occasion of Bush’s final full day in office, I have returned to this very same table. The mood is so much different here today. People are laughing, they are talking excitedly. What a contrast. I remember the despair I felt as I wrote the following words:
And now, instead of bemoaning Bush’s arrogance, stupidity, and incompetence any longer, I will simply hoist my latte toward a new era in this country. An era that I hope will bring intelligence, dedication, a shift in priorities, and a renewed sense of our role and responsibility in this world. Sure, we are facing tons of problems and there will be plenty of setbacks. And who could envy the difficult tasks that lie ahead for the new administration? But as I sit in this familiar spot, eating my anniversary croissant, I am—for the first time in years—hopeful.
We made it.
I'm not a big one for dancing on graves, Danny, but I'll join you in a brief jig today.
Enjoy your baked good. And then roll up them sleeves. We've got us a lot of badness to make up for.
Posted by: Account Deleted | January 19, 2009 at 09:19 AM
Gah! I hate the new TypePad!
I forgot to sign out of my other account. It's me, Colleen, not some weird self-promote-y marketing blog. (Although I sometimes play one on the Internet.)
Anyway. Back to work!
Posted by: the communicatrix | January 19, 2009 at 09:21 AM
I haven't felt this hopeful least eight years.
Posted by: Scarlet Hip | January 19, 2009 at 09:41 AM
I was at Caribou Coffee this morning with a latte and raspberry scone, and the mood was excitement.
I live in a predominately Republican burb of the Twin Cities, and when Bush was elected and re-elected there was a very mean-spirited, almost hateful hue some of his supporters celebrated with. . . a Rush Limbaugh type of hostility and arrogance.
Today, in the same burb, Republicans as well as Democrats seem happy and braced for change. I like to think the divide may lessen even more over time.
Posted by: Jane | January 19, 2009 at 02:28 PM
Dear Danny,
I know how you feel. I don't think there could be a greater contrast between the bumbling boob who is leaving the White House and the intelligent, inspirational, good and decent man who will be taking his place. Cue the "Optimistic Voices !"
Posted by: Gordon | January 19, 2009 at 04:48 PM
I'm with you, Danny!
I had the MLK national holiday off work today and I've been psyching myself up for tomorrow by watching all kinds of pre-inaugural events reportin--just for fun!
I saw the JFK and Clinton inaugural addresses on CSPAN today and only stopped watching when they prepared to show Nixon's and Reagan's.
I would seriously have gone to Washington, DC to stand on the Mall and freeze my ass off if I could have. But, instead, I took the day off work tomorrow and I'm staying home with my red, white, and blue hanky, a kir royale, and carrot cake from TJ's.
I wouldn't miss this event, even in virtual form for all the fromage in France! I'll be thinking about you as the day unfolds and wishing you and all our co-citizens a more hopeful and engaged social and political future!
Posted by: La Framéricaine | January 19, 2009 at 05:52 PM
Just finished watching the Inauguration at the school's cafeteria. I'm so happy for all of us. It's a great day for our country, and the world. I can barely cope looking at the Bushes. Good riddance to that entire family!!!
Posted by: Judy | January 20, 2009 at 10:09 AM
Eight long years in the making... Unless now President Obama fails to live up to even a fraction of the hope he engenders, I don't see how things can't get better.
If nothing else, it's a change--and that's something we desperately need in this country.
Posted by: jason | January 20, 2009 at 10:21 AM
I'm so excited and hopeful. Maybe I'll be able to finally stop breathing into that paper bag I've been using for the last 8 years.
Posted by: churlita | January 20, 2009 at 10:41 AM
Ah, poor thing. Who will you hate and blame for everything, now? Will Obama get a pass for every decision or will your hate eventually turn on him as well.
And, in reference to your blog of four years ago. Yes. The founding fathers based the rights of all individuals on the belief that they were created in the image of God. Not hard to research. Too bad if you don't like that.
Posted by: KBQ | January 20, 2009 at 03:02 PM
Happy Inauguration Day to you too, KBQ.
(Did I say the word "hate" once in that post?)
Posted by: Danny | January 20, 2009 at 03:20 PM