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« The Last Day! | Main | Bad Oscar Predictions: 2009 »

January 20, 2009


Thanks for the photo credit! What an amazing time to be living in DC...

It's a good idea to listen to the kids. She's right! Aren't you glad you posted? And what photos!

Leah was right--you HAD to write about this day. For posterity. It was fantastic. I had the same thought about Justice Roberts--hmmm... and whether someone would make a legal issue of the bungling. We heard a collective sigh of relief rise over the country at 12:01 eastern time yesterday.

That's a great daughter you got there, Mr. Miller!

I'm still crying. I too was emotionally drained after my self-imposed inauguration holiday from work, during which I drank champagne and ate carrot cake.

Oddly enough, I didn't take any of the words of the speech as thrusts at the Bush cohort. I just took them as pavers in the foundation of the ground of being from which we will now go forward.

The subversive genius of Obama seems to me to be his assertion that we have to do this together, that he cannot do it without US, and that he is willing, if we are willing.

Yesterday will live on in my memory as the singularly most positive day in my life re: the intersection of the political and the personal.

Re: Feinstein and that godawful announcement that she was responsible for making--I felt that she had earned the right to make such important and joyous announcements as she made yesterday and I was moved that she got the opportunity.


Thanks Leah! I really enjoyed this post.
I was crying too and glad to know I was not alone. Who's to say whether it was the IMMENSE RELIEF to have the Bush years behind me or the confident eloquence of Obama's words, but I was completely swept away.
Didn't Yo Yo Ma look blissed out?

I wish I could have seen it. We weren't allowed to watch it at work and I answer phones, so I wasn't able to listen to it. At least my daughters got to watch it at school. What a wonderful day. It sounds like everyone I know is ready to pitch in and help too.

It was such a great thing to watch. I thought of all those who died during the Civill Rights movement...Megar Evers, those four little girls who died in the church, Goodman, Schwerner and Charney...all those who never lived to see this with their own eyes. What a great sight to behold..the millions on the Mall...even though the two smart boards in the school cafeteria had an annoying 7 sec delay so we heard echoing. Aretha looked so good, so old school as I told some girls near me. The Queen of Soul. I just basked in the reflected joy of everyone on the mall. I got home to watch the Parade and later saw the Inaugural Balls.

Dear Danny,
I feel like we had an evil dictator running our country for the past 8 years. And, now we've got our country back. We've got our freedom back.

i loved our crazy parade yesterday! and yes i'll bring my sign!
several folks brought american flags! and that was also very nice to see!!! sort of feels like the other team hijacked our flag! and i want it back!!! now! it belongs to all of us!

Have you had a chance to read the text from Gene Robinson's prayer from Sunday? It is fantastic - and made me oh so much more grossed out by warren. Check it out if you haven't.

Thanks Danny, for another great post (and thanks to Leah for demanding it).

Oh, and I'm assuming the friends in the first sentence of this blog were hippies who compost, as opposed to people who compost hippies (yeah, I know, but I grinned at the image anyways).

And I assume it's just the cynical lefty/centrist in me, but I worry that for the next four to eight years, the Obama administration will get blamed for most of the ills, perceived or otherwise, of this country, no matter the improvement. I fear we're just too jaded and divided for another 'Camelot' (and I've never wished so much to be wrong about something).

You did Leah proud, Danny! This was a wonderful post, and contagious - just as I was coming down from my high, I read this and got all pumped up again.

My only point of difference with you is that I do believe the actions of the Bush administration do need an investigation, and if wrongdoing is found, it needs to be punished. In my mind, not to do so is only green-lighting abuses by future administrations.

It was a Great Great Day! I think you might want to print out Obama's speech Danny, because it is truly eloquent in every way....There may not be one of those 'one sentence' quotables, but for me, I think the whole speech is really really amazingly wonderful and filled with a lot of "poetry".....To be able to see the whole thing was a fantastic experience for me.....the Sea of people waving their little flags....The Obama's walking along the street having gotten out of their car....Those dear dear charming little children....It is ALL such a Breath Of Fresh Air. And finally, The Toads are gone. What a relief. The last video of Bush with his cabinet---I swear they all looked like a bunch of Old White Men Toads---even Condi Rice and especially Cheney!
(I love your saying he looked like Mr. Potter in that TRUE.....) But They Are Gone. Thank God!
And we have this young energetic thoughtful beautiful family in our White House now.....
These two people have a real relationship with each other and to their children....
AND.....He truly gives me hope that things WILL be alright! It is truly A New Day!

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