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« This Just In: President Obama Names Willie Horton Secretary of State! | Main | Heart of Gold »

October 22, 2008


Cat Power is worth a quick education.

My old office mate and I had very similar taste in music, but we had a rule that he couldn't play Neil Young when I was in the office, and I couldn't play Iris DeMent when he was in the office. Iris isn't super well known, but ironically, she has a similarly nasal voice to Neil's. ... french fries were verboten, too.

Danny, I'm so jealous. Have a great time. I would recommend listening to "Harvest Moon," which is from the '90s.

Hi Danny,

Thanks for the kind words about my painting in your previous post.

Here are some of my favorites by Neil Young:

"Out on the Weekend," "Helpless," "Sugar Mountain," "The Loner," "After the Gold Rush," and "Down by the River."

Boy do I feel stupid. I was going to tell you his best song and thought to look it up first. But it was a CSN song, not a CSN&Y song and was written by Stephen Stills. Have fun at the concert. I would go just to see Norah Jones.

this is such a great blog, even if i don't understand 100% of it (because i'm swiss and my english is not that good) i enjoy reading your blog for quite a while now. I would recommend listening to Ambulance Blues from the On The Beach album or just listen to the whole album : )
I'm gonna see Wilco and Neil Young in New York in December, safed all my money to fly all the way over half the planet for them and i'm sure their worth it! Wilco/Neil Young that's a ticket you can't miss : ) Thanks again.

Long May You Run

If you want a quick education about his earlier stuff, Decade is his greatest hits album. I bet you'll be surprised at how much of his work you already know.

I've always loved Neil Young. There have been a few songs I didn't care for, but that's what happens when you're brave enough to experiment with your music. He is a REAL maverick.

I agree with "Ambulance Blues." Also "Barstool Blues" from the "Zuma" album. And "Rust Never Sleeps." The whole album.

Two words: Live Rust.

I'm an enormous Neil Young fan from the mid 70s until now. How many people did you start listening to as a teenager and continue to listen to REGULARLY for the decades that followed?

I love all the songs others have mentioned but would recommend you acquaint yourself with Neil's most recent work too. Every time I hear Dirty Old Man off the Chrome Dreams album, I laugh a bit.

I read a biography of Neil called Shakey (which is Neil's nickname). I think it had something like 600 pages! He's a quirky and eccentric guy, a bit of a mad genius, a complicated character. I loved reading about his creative process. Enjoy the concert!

I love Neil Young. My two favorites are "Old Man" and "A Man Needs a Maid".

Have a fabulous time!

Danny - Hope you enjoyed your first visit to the Church of Neil. I expect you saw the light. This was my 12th annual pilgrimage to the BSB and I'm only sorry that I missed the first 10.

On Sunday I was seated down low and I'm pretty sure that I saw you backstage several times (in a reddish-color checked shirt?) Later I ran into the lovely Kendall (along with Leah and Sam) at the french fry stand and Kendall promised to say hello to you for me... I couldn't face trying to find you on the lawn in the dark, and I'm wary of approaching if you're with Sue and the boys because I don't want to look like a Wilco stalker (of course I AM a Wilco stalker, but you know what I mean ;)

In any case, my mate and I are heading East to the Wilco/Neil shows at MSG in December (one of the very few tickets that would make us fly back East). Perhaps we'll see you there!

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