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September 04, 2008



Danny, may this be the year that your incisive, film-filled commentary helps us save ourselves, from ourselves.

Happy birthday.

Happy Birthday Danny!

Happy Birthday, Danny! You still a baby! I can't recall how I felt about being 49. I just know that I loved turning 50.

I stopped by after wishing Elisabeth bon anniversaire. She admires your blog and I appreciate her blog so I figured that I better get on over here and give you a thoughtful read.

I'm so pleased that I did. Don't even know how you do the thing you do but it's great! I was especially excited to see that you are a documentary genre fan because I'm usually out here all alone loving them! I drag my poor French husband with me. Just saw "The Exiles," "Anita O'Day," and "Trouble The Water." All stunners! We schlepped up to LA for TE and AOD and saw TTW down here in Orange County. The coincidences just keep piling up!

Anyway, a very happy birthday to you and kudos on the great blog.

Hi Danny - Happy Birthday!

Hey, Danny - I couldn't let the day end without paying a visit to your blog to come and wish you a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY, UN TRES JOYEUX ANNIVERSAIRE! Enjoy every single moment of that last year of your forties, but don't sweat it too much about turning fifty, it's really no big deal (then again....)! I sure hope that you had a fun-filled day.

Reading your entry led me to decide to re-watch the old "All the Kings' Men" and to check out the more recent version too. So, thanks for having written this post.

And I know, it kills me too that I am older than Obama, Palin, and even than Bill Clinton when he was first elected President.

Now, I can get ready for my daughter to turn 22 on Sept. 12! Sounds a bit surreal!

Happy Birthday, Danny. Fifty isn't so scary.

Two things, first, speaking of scary, I warned you about Sarah Palin. I'm still nauseous from last night.

Second, on a lighter note, I wonder how many people realize that Broderick Crawford is the son of the wonderful character actress Helen Crawford who supported Astaire and Rodgers in several films. Thank god for Turner Classic Movies.

Happy birthday Danny...hope you receive back the joy you bring all of us who read your wonderful posts

Rats, I'm a day late because I am still catching up with my Google reader after getting back from vacation. But belated Happy Birthday, Danny. This is a great post.

The McCain/Palin ticket scares the living daylights out of me! I sure hope you're right about them not having a shot.

woops, another late happy birthday.
I don't think anyone matures beyond 19 anyhow...and I know the 50s are the best years. It's just beginning, the fun.
Don't forget the pen is mightier than the sword. Keep up reminding people of the lies and rhetoric on display and get to the heart of the real issues. Rudi is a jerk as the sticker on my front door claims...New Yorkers are glad to be rid of him. Did you hear anything positive McCain plans to do...anyone who chants bomb, bomb iran to the tune of the Beach boys is definitely not presidential material in my book. Anyone who believes american girls need abstinence education can look to her own daughter to see the results of such an education. Pregnancy at 17. What is the McCain/Palin ticket? Palinty of nothing!

Happy belated birthday!

We can't all be leaders, but we can all make a difference in our own way and I think you definitely do that.

Education is the key to stopping the McCain/Palin train. If you look at her actions in Alaska, you'll see that she is the opposite of what she claims to be and should NOT be anywhere near the presidency. Scar-reeee.

Happy birthday to you! I think I might need to hang my kitchen utensils the way they are in that last photo. Hope you had a good one.

Happy Birthday, Danny!

Hey, Danny,

Cruisin' Mom truly said it best: may you have a magical, joyful year.

Hope you had a super b'day together with your family. "Bis 120!"

Thanks to you

Happy Birthday, Danny.
When Obama wins in November (see, I'm an optimist ?) he will be the first President younger than I am. What a happy day that will be.

Happy Birthday Danny! Hope you have a fabulous year!
Love your cuz, Julie

Happy Birthday Danny. Michael just turned 53 (same age as me now) August 31st.
We both send our love.

But isn't it always children who declare they want to be president? Anyway, great post. All the Kings Men is one of my favorite books, but I've never seen the movie. Seems I must do so. And Happy Birthday, a couple of days late!

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