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« American Teen: The Downside of "Reality" | Main | Scarlett O’Hara’s Disgruntled Sister Haunts My Blog »

August 03, 2008


Hi Danny: My husband and I will be picking up our kids from camp on Friday too. So if you see a middle aged blonde woman approaching you, it will be me!

In case we don't meet, I hope you and your family have a wonderful visit in Chicago.


I think there may be more little-kid Wilco fans than you realize! The first time I saw Wilco I was there during sound-check, and there was a six year old girl totally rocking out to "Heavy Metal Drummer". She knew every word and danced all around. It was adorable. And all of my friends' kids are into Wilco. We're talking preschoolers.

Firstly, have a great time in Chicago, I'll be anxious to read about it. This was such a fantasic vignette from you to Wilco, even more so for me because I'm going to see them on Friday. It's the bible-belt, but I've heard the venue is very good, and this post has me counting the hours.

Hary Cary would be proud of their version of "Take me out to the Ballgame." I remember watching Cary doing this right before the Who played Quadrophenia in Raleigh some years ago.

Seven year old Wilco fanatics? There's hope for the future indeed. Cheers and have a safe trip.

Danny we hope to see you Friday night!

Hi Danny,

Just wanted to say that I hope you have a great time while you are out here! Do you plan on going by the old neighborhood? How cool to see Wilco at Wrigley Field. GO CUBS!!!

Have a wonderful time when you are here, and make sure you eat at all the great places! I'm sure you and your family are going to have fun. Say hi to Sue for me!!

As I am still three weeks from my own dosing of Athenian Room and Due's (my pizza crack of choice), I can only say that I am profoundly envious.

And "lucky you"!

Have fun in Chicago. Eat a slice of some of that deep dish for me! Yum.

Ben was surprised (and quite pleased) that his video is displayed right alongside Wilco on the "internets." You made his day. And, just to reiterate Ben most definitely does not understand the meaning of any of Wilco's darker themed music. It's all just easy-to-sing-along melodies to him -- he is blissfully ignorant.

Your fake mother expects a visit. (Jewish guilt approach, genuine.)


Hey Danny - St. Louis is only a 4-1/2 drive if you're in the neighbourhood, Yoni and I would love to see you again.....

I am kvelling, double time, for my beautiful friend, Judith Aida...Always thinking of her and missing her..........My love to all of you

Wow, I guess there are a number of us bible belters who read your blog. I, too, will be seeing Wilco this Friday night in Cary, NC. My father in law has been battling lung cancer this year, and his treatments are finally over. Part of the celebration includes going to see Wilco together. Hopefully, he's well enough to go.

I hope you guys have fun. My daughter will be so jealous of your brother-in-law. She's one of the biggest Cubs fans I've met.

Churlita's daughter isn't the only one jealous of your brother-in-law.
I saw the game, and it looked like he (and the whole band) were experiencing (excuse pun please) no depression.

My brother and I are going to drive 6 hours from Bangor, Maine to see WILCO at Tanglewood on Tuesday. My 5 year old son is beside himself because he can't go see his favorite band.(6 hours in the car with my son would be more painful than the 6 hours it took to give birth to him) Maybe you could talk to your brother-in-law and convince him and the other guys to come up this way some day. Maine is beautiful and Solomon would be soooo happy.

If that kid wants to start a Wilco cover band, I'm willing to offer my first-born. She's four and has a thing for heavy metal drummers:

Well, I know he makes his home in Chicago, but Belleville, IL is a border city. And I know Jeff has civic pride in the Windy City...but we all know, when it comes to baseball, his heart belongs to the Redbirds. Go Cardinals. Rock on Wilco.

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