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July 13, 2008


Glad Mr. Obama acknowledged the band! And glad you're supporting him! He's a good guy.

You haven't heard about iPod One?

Where's my iPhone? :)

Okay, Rurality, but I read the article and his daughters gave him the iPod, he doesn't know how to use it so his aides have to add new songs, and he only has 250 songs out of a capacity of 10,000. So I think my argument stands! He probably thinks iTunes is a WMD.

Are you hitting any Wilco shows this summer? Bend, Oregon should be on that list.

that's pretty funny. I'm glad you have so much power. I have a few things I need you to get taken care of for me.

Great post, Danny! You changed my life so now you can change the world! Hurray! Go Obama! Oh yes ... and Wilco, I mean ...

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