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« Celebrity Deaths: Connecting the Dots | Main | Bozo’s Circus is On the Air! »

June 29, 2008


The one thing that always interested me about the young Sinatra was the innocence and his gawky, skinny body. This was the face of a hearthrob? He seemed like a different person in his later years when he played up the tough guy/womanizer image. I wonder which was truly the real person?

My friend Toby got his start in the early 90's for doing shorts of Frank Sinatra impersonations singing current songs on MTV. I don't think Frank will ever lose his appeal. Kids seem to really identify with the whole swank image of the Rat Pack.

What comes around, goes around. Those parents that decried Sinatra were probably the flappers of the twenties wearing short skirts and drinking booze in flagrant violation of the law. What did the Victorian era parents think of that!

On a different note, kids today have much better access to a wide variety of music then we ever had as teens, so its not that surprising that they some will find some Rat Pack music hip. Of course I'm too old to know (and my kids are too young to tell me) whether being "fucking gansta" is a good thing or a bad thing.

As someone who belongs to your parents’ generation, and remembers her infatuation with Frank Sinatra, and standing at the stage door of the Chicago Theatre, I love this post. Long ago, I purchased his album, "In The Wee Small Hours," listened to it endlessly, and now a newer CD is in my iTunes. The album is still wonderful; especially my favorite, "It Never Entered My Mind." Mmmm.

The older I get, the more amazed I am at his breadth, his depth, and his originality.

Yours, too.

no better voice alive (or dead, for that matter)

Hmmm...what a coincidence...yesterday I bought an entire page of his stamps, not knowing exactly why...i do love some of his songs, and my mom was one of those teen fans too. sometimes I wish I had gone to see him alive but didn't ...c'est la vie...there's a;ways his records.

I've never been a fan of Sinatra, but I find his personality and history interesting. I always wonder where life might have taken him had he not had the voice or caught the breaks that he did.

I love your blog, but something doesn't add up.

Under, "We're gonna teach you to fly high," you said, "I began my career as a television writer in the Spring of 1972."

Under, "He won't grow up," you said, "As a kid, I first saw the movie during its June 1969 re-release."

Under, "Sinatra goes gangsta," you said, "Growing up in the 60s and 70s..."

Under, "Sock it to me," (May 25, 2008) you said, "It's been exactly 40 years ago since...I was eight years old at the time."

Were you a television writer at 12 years old ?

I was at The Paramount in 1943 with my Family...we all got seperated and a man sitting next to me began touching my leg...! I moved! This kind of colored the entire performance for me, I'm afraid. And I must say, we didn't see the damage to the Box Office, etc....And I don't remember how we even were able to get in---(Oh, it just occured to me, my father knew Barnry Balaban...Mr. Paramount Pictures...Not sure that was how we got in, but it is a possability.) I was only 11 going on 12 so I wasn't quite the "soxer" stage yet...And as time went on, I knew he was something special...There was heartbreak in his voice, in a way...or certainly an understanding of the pain of Heartbreak...His phrasing was legendarily impeccable; and he was a wonderful WONDERFUL Musician. I always loved that he said who the composer(s) were before or after each song when he sis a concert or a TV Special, etc....That's "CLASS". He was also a great great friend to those he loved or cared about. The story's of his generosity are legion...And ALL True...(I don't know about the Breaking Of Legs or the 'getting rid of someone' stuff...) I know of two instances of complete and utter generosity, first hand, in one case the person would not hsve survived without Sinatra's loving generous financial help and unconditional friendship.
No, there is no one like him and there probably never will be---Michael Bubble(?) Not-with-standing...In my view as a musician/singer/composer...NO ONE holds a candle to Sinatra...The man who comes closest is Tony Bennett...Who, indeed, has spaned the generations with his talent...
He certainly had one of the greatest careers in Show Biz, and that terrible period when he almost lost his voice and was "On The Skids", as they say, was truly a tragedy. But, he came back like Gangbusters! One of the Great Great Albums of going into that slightly more mature period..."ONLY THE LONELY" (1958-59)....and "In The Wee Small Hours", Oh, my Lordy...His rendition of that song can reduce one to sobs, given a quiet private space to break-down in.....He was THE BEST!

Naomi, those stories about Frank are heartwarming. And oy, I can't believe you were at the Paramount in '43!

Gordon, I "wrote" for "Zoom" when I was 12 years old--it was a show in which kids sent in pieces for them to use on the air! I'm just 48...I swear!

how bad is it?

a local talk show host did not know who Cyd was.

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