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« Fiftysomething | Main | Up in Smoke »

March 23, 2008


Brilliant, Danny. That's all I have to say. Well, except, could you please stop working so hard and post more often than once every Reformation?

I'm looking forward to that new John Adams miniseries on HBO where he and Ben Franklin are portrayed as hip surf dudes.

Sheer brilliance, Danny.
You'd better take this piece to higher places!

Hilarious! I love this.

Nice. I just saw the movie yesterday so it's still fresh in my mind. There were definitely liberties taken.

Danny, John Adams line is on line two.

I love this post. Thank you! You are hilarious.

Dear fellow LONG poster. I loved this piece (and the preceding ones on generational birthdays and the NYC theater experiences). Normally, TV and Hollywood turn me OFFFFF (both TVs are somewhere in a closet I haven't checked for years). Yet you deliver each medium's selected fare w such intelligence and occasional hysterical wit that I feel as though I am reading about an experience I had (though was far less astute that you to really "get it"). Thank you, thank you, thank you!

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