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December 07, 2007


How exciting! How proud you all must be. Congratulations, Danny!

A few days ago I heard on the radio that Wilco will be opening for a Barak Obama fund raiser in Chicago. I was ecstatic!

Yea! for Jeff and Hooray! for Wilco. I hope they win.. It will be well deserved.

As for Amy Winehouse. I love her album, but I imagine she'd be fairly tedious to talk to. I just don't have all that much in common with super skinny party girls.

"Sky Blue Sky" is another in a long line of great albums they've put out. Of course I'll be rooting for them as well.

i just cant wait for the moment when the presenter reads off the nominees, and the camera pans to jeff and the band. actually, i cant wait to see your sister in the background :)

who is amy winehouse?

Danny, you must be so excited! Can't wait for February. I will be sure to watch!! Congrats ahead of time, because I'm sure Wilco will.

Congatulations to Wilco! I won't launch into that story about how I saw them at Bonneroo like I always do when you write about them. I'll just bask in my 3.5 degrees of seperation.

Congratulations on your family grammy! Is that like me sort of feeling like I got an MD from Harvard because my niece did? If so, I understand completely how you feel.

Actually, I think the Wilco album is the best of the nominees this year. (Okay, I have no idea if its better than Daughtry, but am just going to assume it is.)

Wow. That's exciting. Must be cool to be connected like that. I'm a big fan of Wilco (and a big fan of Peter Himmelman). Good Luck!

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