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« Days of Repentance | Main | Happy 100th Birthday, Sam Karoll! »

September 16, 2007


I'm sorry to hear about your loss. She will be sorely missed. I remember watching them when I was a kid and thinking they were so funny.

I haven't seen any obits any where yet either, Danny, and happened to check your blog over my lunch hour Monday 9/17. When I googled, only your blog came up so far!

As I told you once before, Brett gave me one of my first interviews when I started working in publishing many years ago and we'd been in touch sporadically for about 35 years. I'm glad I got to see her cabaret in NYC in 2004.

I'll always remember her fondly and send my sympathies to Adam, David, the granddaughters Olivia and Katherine, and, of course, Kendall, your wife.


Pam G in Pittsburgh

I had an email Suday morning from Joyce V.P who had heard from Marcia W. about Brett...I just posted a little tiny tribute to Brett on my new post about 2 hours ago....I know Kendall and the rest of the Hailey family must be very very sad today....This has been a terrible year for all of you...Thomas and Charles and now Brett....So very sad.

Danny just this morning on wgn 9 morning news had a small tribute to Brett. It was of her on a game show. She was a funny lady.

I heard when Brett Somers reached the pearly gates, she took a look at St. Peter and asked him where his blank is.

Nice tribute to Brett; just found out about it. I put my own up in my blog yesterday.

This is sad. I was too young to watch Match Game when it was on the air, but now I watch the reruns on GSN and have become a huge fan. Best to Kendall.

I haven't seen one blurb anywhere about Alice Ghostley's passing. What a wonderful actress she was!

Brett Somers was the coolest! I loved watching her on "Match Game". I always imagined her like a cool Aunt that would come around every year during Christmas time. She would've definitely make things like that more fun.

R.I.P. Ms. Somers.

A wonderful tribute. They seem like they were really nice people. I will have to watch Match Game sometime when I get cable.

I just love Brett Somers! I used to love her on "Match Game" and now I faithfully tape the Re-runs just to watch her, Charles and Richard Dawson.

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