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April 06, 2007


I hope you're feeling better today. One of my daughter's friends asked me, "If Jesus died today, why is that good?" Unfortunately for her, I am not the best person to talk to about christian beliefs.

Well, Danny. You know that this type of introspection is my all time favorite! And it certainly sounds as if a lot has been and is happening in your life right now. So it makes sense that the car, market, cell-phone talker would feature prominently for you. My favorite movie of Jesus' resurrection is "The Last Temptation," too.

Chag Sameach to you and yours. Spring is so beautiful around Philadelphia that I feel festive just because tulips are out and the sun is shining. Never mind the deities, eh?

Happy Days ahead!

Did you mean Jesus' birthday may have been in the 6th year of the first century BCE?

My favorite Jesus movie is "Life of Brian."

Great, provocative post.

I am here in Niagara on the lake with the Korolnek Ogus Rosenzweig families. We are cedlebrating Pesach together ande I am babysitting 3 fo my grandsons. I'm on the internet communicating with people I never seem to get around to. I have enjoye4d reading your aRTICLES. How are you all? All is well here , Thank God. How are Suzie and Bruce?
Take care and chag someach


I do like how you use your blog as a sounding board/bullhorn/streamofconsciousness outlet. We each become your "hand-holder," your critic, your analyst...or simply your friend.

Chag Sameach. As I just "told" Neil Kramer on his blog... I've got some chicken soup and whole wheat matzah balls ready. Come and get 'em -- and then you can visit your Korolnek/Ogus/Rosenzweig family members. :)

It is called "Good Friday" because of the hope of resurrection.

Love your blog.

I have been known to suffer from "garbage disposal syndrome" at times, too. If it makes you feel any better, you being honest about it brings the feeling to life here and helps us all recognize the same tendencies in ourselves. I'm enjoying reading your blog!

Ah, Danny, thanks to this post, I finally understand why my good-natured and generally even-tempered husband gets so deeply irritated and offended by other drivers. He's very self-righteous about driving, takes people's rolling stops and failure to signal so PERSONALLY. I hate to be in the car with him and hear his running narrative of all the failures in the Moral Driving Universe. Now I get it--listening to his driving monologues is the price I pay for his patience at home.

I haven't celebrated Holy Week here in Belgium as I did in the U.S., where I went to all the weekly services offered by the Episcopal church and took that fateful journey to Jerusalem. When I've done that, I've felt the heaviness and uncertainty of Holy Saturday--the anxiety, the loss, the hopelessness. Then Easter--a relief, a miracle, HOPE renewed.

Wishing you HOPE as you navigate this unsettled time.

Hi Danny,
This post has given me some insight as to why I was so flip to the Indian tech support guy the other day. It wasn't my router at all, it was other built up anxieties. The bright side is that after I calmed down I got to chatting to the tech support guy and had an invitation to Bombay extended to me.

I'm sorry about your recent loss.

"Good Friday" is a translation issue--both in terms of how those words came to be used, and in terms of how we think of the word "good." And the origin day is good in terms of its outcome, even though the events themselves would not have seemed good at all. I believe that the Dutch also say "Good Friday," although of course they would say it in Dutch!

That said, "Happy Good Friday" is an odd thing to say.

How about "Fateful Friday"?

Also, re: your posting about Uncle Thomas' death, I found your description of Jun's son holding Thomas' hand very touching.

I hope to see you next week when we're in L.A.


OH MY GOSH!!!!! The Farmer's Market!!!! Is Bob's donuts still there? We used to drive from the Palisades with my grandfather and get donuts there, all the time...TELL ME IT IS STILL THERE!!

Oh my gosh, I googled it and it is still there. I can't believe it. IT STILL LOOKS THE SAME!

Talk to me before you buy a new car - I've done a lot of research. Maybe you'll want to blog about it when you get to that point? You may get a lot of good info that way.
I realize it may seem like I missed the point of this post, but I didn't. Just zoning in on the practical part.

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