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« Why Do I Still Care About the Oscars? | Main | Remembering Judy Resnik »

January 25, 2007


Either you are in some wild and crazy mood today or you invited a ghost writer to post on your blog...

LOL, LOL, LOL...This is Briliiant, Danny. And it should be required reading in every English History class in every High School and College....! AND, I hope it gets printed in some hard cover magazine, too!
Makes you want to go quickly and read everything you can on Henry VIII! Best laugh I've had ALL Week! Thanks for that. my dear.

The best casting since Charlton Heston as a very hunky Moses.

Hello Danny!

I just discovered your blog - which I think I'm going to enjoy devouring very much - when I was searching for photos of MAUREEN STAPLETON -

The photo you had of Maureen above your very fine tribute to her was wonderful, and I was wondering where you found it, and if you could send me the link, or the scan...?

If you visit the website for my upcoming documentary movie U & Me & Tennessee - an American Romance, you'll get an idea (or two) about the project...

Maureen Stapleton figures in Konrad Hopkins's story about himself and Tennessee and in fact I was in touch with Maureen's daughter Katharine shortly after Maureen passed away, and she has kindly shared some great pix of Maureen with Tenn and Frank Merlo - but a good, single of Maureen on her own - I still really need that for the movie.....

If you can be of help, I'd very much appreciate it.

Another web address - for the blog - is:

Thanks again - you're a splendid writer!

Yours sincerely,

- Paul Birchard

( - the only actor ever to have left Hollywood, based himself in Glasgow, and lived to tell about it!)

High Larry us post! Henry could totally have been on Springer - like every month.

Honestly, I am kind of excited about the new Showtime series, though.

I am, too, even with the new "sexy" makeover of Henry and Anne. I also enjoyed Sofia Coppolla's "Marie Antoinette" far more than I thought I would with its anachronistic music and dialogue. At least these projects make people think about history.

Great post! Bravo!

Danny, I trust the editors of the Norton Anthologies will be calling soon to have you knock the dust off their fine print and sex up and modernize Volumes I and II of English literature.

This is great. Loved it.

This was exciting, Danny. What a read! A couple of years ago I visited the Tower of London and cried as I "relived" Boleyn's last walk and saw her beheading place. I think I might enjoy the new series. Are *they* asking you to write any of the episodes? If not, should I send *them* a link to your blog? *They* don't know what a cool dude-writer you are. Someone should let *them* know.

Ow, ow, ow. My side aches from laughing! That was the best summary of that story I've ever read.

RE: Konrad Hopkins.......
Is there a contact for either Paul Birchard or Konrad Hopkins ? Why - because I was at Paisley University way back in 1972-75 and did Professor Hopkins course on Science in Society. I am in Scotland next week and would be interesting to meet him after all this time.
Hamish McCreight

Loved your "Hank and Annie"!!! It captured perfectly the junky tabloid character of this "Tudor" series. I have sent copies to all my historian friends (who just hated the series, as did I).

Best regards,

Gordon Whitehead

Used you "Hank and Annie" again today. It stands up well !!!

Hi Danny,

With "Wolf Hall" coming up, I had occasion again to draw on "Hank and Annie". It's as funny as ever !!

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