Happy Anniversary, you two crazy kids. It’s been quite a trip, hasn’t it? Your relationship started out as an adulterous affair, but you were smart, Annie, and wouldn’t put out until your guy made some big promises. Forgive me, Annie, but you weren’t much of a looker back then—how did you nab the most powerful hunk in the land, especially after he’d already bedded and dumped your older sis? Damn, girl, leading him on but stopping just short of the prize was genius. Where did you learn that trick, from your stint in the French court? Why buy la vache when you can get le lait for free, right Annie?
Hank, you wanted our girl here so bad you went apeshit when that pesky Pope refused to annul your 24-year marriage to Wife #1 and declare your daughter Mary a bastard. God, Popes can be such a pain. Boy, that Spanish chick you were married to was quite a piece of work—she wouldn't budge. Ay, caramba, I bet she got that hot-blooded temper from her folks, Ferdinand and Isabella. And what a slap in the face when that loser Pope excommunicated you! But you had the last laugh, Hank, when you bounced him and his religion out on their uptight asses and declared yourself the leader of the new Church of England. Awesome move, dude. And it cleared the way for THE wedding of the 16th century. Damn, has it really been 474 years—it seems like yesterday! On January 25, 1533, you took our little Annie here by the hand (I never believed those rumors about that sixth finger, girl) and promised yourself to her for eternity. Or at least until she could give you a male heir, right, dog? Of course both of you knew that she already had a royal bun in the oven. Bummer that it was a girl, Annie.
Hank, isn’t it funny how the qualities that most attract us to a hot chick at the beginning can be the very same ones that make us want to behead her later on? Annie, I’m guessing you played hooky the day they taught that class on “How to be a Subservient Wife and Queen.” Not a good move to keep hocking your poor husband about religion and politics for a thousand days. And you should have let him slide with those Ladies-in-Waiting on your staff. Yo, don't forget that you were one of Queen Catherine’s ladies when you started boffing the big guy. Besides, anyone could see that the wimpy Jane Seymour wouldn’t make it through another smallpox epidemic, why couldn’t you just wait it out? If only those boy babies you carried weren’t all born dead, you could have outlasted that homewrecking wuss. But then that Seymour biatch got knocked up and there was hope once again for a male heir. Sorry, girl, you were toast, even your own family members gave you up. Except for George, now there was one loving brother. Too loving, maybe? Hank, that was a low blow to accuse Annie of adultery with all those guys. You knew most of those dudes were gay. And then to add George to her list of lovers and accuse her of incest—ouch! I knew you were innocent, Annie, no matter what that sonofabitch Cromwell said.
Do you believe in karma, Hank? Check it out, Jane Seymour finally gave you a son but then dropped dead from puerpal fever 10 days later. I told you she was a wuss. You just lost it at that point, didn’t you, Hank? Your next wife, that Cleves chick, was a disaster, but at least she had the good sense to run for the hills right after the honeymoon. And then to hook up with Annie’s little cousin, Catherine Howard, what were you thinking, dude? Forget the fact that she was young enough to be your daughter—that girl was trouble! I guess the Boleyns paid you back big time with that one because Chatty Cathy started doing all the things you’d accused her cousin of. At least when you lobbed that ho’s head off, she was guilty of something. You were damn lucky to get that last Queen of yours considering how you’d let yourself go. Jesus, bro, lay off the mutton legs and roast grouse. Catherine Parr managed to outlive you, Hank, but she shouldn’t have hooked up with your ex-brother-in-law Thomas Seymour. She got pregnant for the first time and died in childbirth. Holy shit, none of your wives ever caught a break, did they?
Sorry to be such a downer on your special day, kids, let’s just remember the love. Annie, it had to feel good when your daughter—you know, the one who was declared a bastard when you were offed—outlived her two crazy siblings and became one of the most powerful monarchs ever to sit on the English throne. Dang, Elizabeth ruled for 44 years, that was even longer than your reign, Hank! I wonder why she never married. Do you think it had anything to do with her dad having her mom beheaded? Just askin’.
Hey, check it out, you two are more famous today than you ever were. Annie, you’ve had some of the hottest babes in Hollywood playing your royal ass. Merle Oberon and Genevieve Bujold got nominated for Oscars, and you can also see Dorothy Tutin, Charlotte Rampling, Vanessa Redgrave, Helena Bonham Carter, and even Natalie Portman donning your bad-ass threads. Hank, you know that Charles Laughton won the Big O for playing you, dude, and Richard Burton also got to try on the royal codpiece.
But, kids, wait until you see this brand new Showtime series, “The Tudors” that’s starting up in April. No more fat dudes wheezing and hobbling on their gout-infested legs, Hank, this time you’re going to be played by the superhunky Jonathan Rhys Meyers. You know, that dude with Angelina Jolie’s sexy lips? “Henry was a man who could do anything and fuck anyone,” series producer Ben Silverman said. “The fact is, his dick changed the course of history, literally.” Whoa, dude.
And don’t worry, Annie, no historically accurate fugly actress for you, our new Boleyn babe is the smokin’ hot Natalie Dormer. I’d like to see someone call her “the Great Whore” and live to tell the tale. According to Showtime president Robert Greenblatt, the goal is to “breathe new life” into the Henry VIII story, offering a “younger and sexier version” of the early 1500s' King of England. “I say it's the greatest soap opera never told.” They’re borrowing fast-paced editing techniques from shows such as “Lost” and “24” and the episodes are being helmed by one of the directors of “Desperate Housewives.” True, some British historians are bugging out over the portrayal of Henry VIII as a hypersexed, promiscuous stud muffin, but hey, dogs, I say give the people what they want!
Hank, Annie—you two rock! Happy 474th!
Either you are in some wild and crazy mood today or you invited a ghost writer to post on your blog...
Posted by: Shari | January 25, 2007 at 02:12 PM
LOL, LOL, LOL...This is Briliiant, Danny. And it should be required reading in every English History class in every High School and College....! AND, I hope it gets printed in some hard cover magazine, too!
Makes you want to go quickly and read everything you can on Henry VIII! Best laugh I've had ALL Week! Thanks for that. my dear.
Posted by: OldOldLady Of The Hills | January 25, 2007 at 06:36 PM
The best casting since Charlton Heston as a very hunky Moses.
Posted by: Neil | January 25, 2007 at 07:54 PM
Hello Danny!
I just discovered your blog - which I think I'm going to enjoy devouring very much - when I was searching for photos of MAUREEN STAPLETON -
The photo you had of Maureen above your very fine tribute to her was wonderful, and I was wondering where you found it, and if you could send me the link, or the scan...?
If you visit the website for my upcoming documentary movie U & Me & Tennessee - an American Romance, you'll get an idea (or two) about the project...
Maureen Stapleton figures in Konrad Hopkins's story about himself and Tennessee and in fact I was in touch with Maureen's daughter Katharine shortly after Maureen passed away, and she has kindly shared some great pix of Maureen with Tenn and Frank Merlo - but a good, single of Maureen on her own - I still really need that for the movie.....
If you can be of help, I'd very much appreciate it.
Another web address - for the blog - is:
Thanks again - you're a splendid writer!
Yours sincerely,
- Paul Birchard
( - the only actor ever to have left Hollywood, based himself in Glasgow, and lived to tell about it!)
Posted by: Paul Birchard | January 26, 2007 at 03:42 PM
High Larry us post! Henry could totally have been on Springer - like every month.
Honestly, I am kind of excited about the new Showtime series, though.
Posted by: churlita | January 26, 2007 at 05:22 PM
I am, too, even with the new "sexy" makeover of Henry and Anne. I also enjoyed Sofia Coppolla's "Marie Antoinette" far more than I thought I would with its anachronistic music and dialogue. At least these projects make people think about history.
Posted by: Danny | January 26, 2007 at 05:50 PM
Great post! Bravo!
Posted by: Mindy | January 26, 2007 at 08:17 PM
Danny, I trust the editors of the Norton Anthologies will be calling soon to have you knock the dust off their fine print and sex up and modernize Volumes I and II of English literature.
This is great. Loved it.
Posted by: V-Grrrl | January 27, 2007 at 06:10 AM
This was exciting, Danny. What a read! A couple of years ago I visited the Tower of London and cried as I "relived" Boleyn's last walk and saw her beheading place. I think I might enjoy the new series. Are *they* asking you to write any of the episodes? If not, should I send *them* a link to your blog? *They* don't know what a cool dude-writer you are. Someone should let *them* know.
Posted by: tamarika | January 27, 2007 at 10:19 AM
Ow, ow, ow. My side aches from laughing! That was the best summary of that story I've ever read.
Posted by: Kate | January 31, 2007 at 06:54 PM
RE: Konrad Hopkins.......
Is there a contact for either Paul Birchard or Konrad Hopkins ? Why - because I was at Paisley University way back in 1972-75 and did Professor Hopkins course on Science in Society. I am in Scotland next week and would be interesting to meet him after all this time.
Hamish McCreight
Posted by: Hamish McCreight | February 27, 2007 at 01:52 PM
Loved your "Hank and Annie"!!! It captured perfectly the junky tabloid character of this "Tudor" series. I have sent copies to all my historian friends (who just hated the series, as did I).
Best regards,
Gordon Whitehead
Posted by: Gordon Whitehead | April 05, 2010 at 11:58 PM
Used you "Hank and Annie" again today. It stands up well !!!
Posted by: Gordon Whitehead | December 22, 2013 at 05:29 PM
Hi Danny,
With "Wolf Hall" coming up, I had occasion again to draw on "Hank and Annie". It's as funny as ever !!
Posted by: Gordon Whitehead | February 26, 2015 at 07:26 PM