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« Coming of Age with Gerald Ford | Main | Mother Courage »

December 28, 2006


Twelve! A big celebration indeed. I am like a deer in headlights when I walk into Victoria Secrets too, Danny!
Happy Birthday, Leah!

Happy birthday, Leah. Make sure your family treats you like royalty today.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY LEAH!! You're the greatest niece ever.

oy-i can't believe you're 12!! How could that be when I"M 12??!!


aunt susie

I have heard that 12 is a major turning point for girls, but I wouldn't know having three boys! All I know is that my oldest just turned 23 yesterday, and I look at him and think wow I was already married when I was 23, but I'm not ready for him to move out yet, let alone get married!!! Enjoy her while she is still this age, it goes by really fast!!!

Not to scare you or anything, but 12 is a piece of cake compared to 13. The hormones just on a comin'.

Happy birthday to a very talented young lady!

My son is 11, and I so relate to your line about being proud of who (s)he is becoming while grieving the child that is being left behind.

What a touching birthday tribute from father to daughter ... I have one daughter who passed that milestone 7 years ago and another who will be approaching it in less than 2 years. All ages and stages bring their own joy and beauty (and tribulations!) for parent and child. Here's to appreciating each step.

Many happy birthday wishes to Leah.

And best wishes to her dad,

Happy Birthday Leah!
You have already received the best gift a girl your age can get: two parents who love each other and who could "look at you forever." (My favorite line from Sondheim's "Sunday in the Park With George.")
Much love,

Happy Birthday Leah. From everything your dad says about you, I have no doubt that spending a day with you would be a blast! Danny, the kind of father you are, continues to amaze me.

Leah, mazel tov on turning 12. What an age--on the threshhold of teenhood, yet a child underneath it all. Just the perfect composition to make your parents crazy...for a few years!

Your pre-celebration activities sounded like tons of fun and I hope that fun continues throughout the year for you.

You might want to seek out this YA book; it might offer up some great wisdom for twelve-year-olds!

The photographer Sally Mann has an insightful book called "At Twelve" -- photos of girls at that threshold age, revealing the tremendous variations in maturity among them. Then there's the movie "Thirteen," which, if you haven't seen it, you can start worrying about a year in advance.

My 11-1/2 year old son is already showing strong symptoms of adolescence. Friendly ones, though.

Shopping at Victoria's Secret with your daughter? You are a brave man (and I am very glad I have a son.)

Happy Birthday, Leah!

Sounds like you're well on your way to a great life.

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