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« Twelve | Main | One Punk Under God »

December 30, 2006


Thanks, Danny, for this wonderful post about Donna and the grim reality that she faces daily. I will make sure to check out her blog.

And a very happy New Year, BONNE ANNÉE, to you and to all of those who are dear to you. May 2007 bring you all its very best.

Wonderful post Danny..Donna is quite extrordinary...Thanks for the post and the "heads-up" about her blog, too!

A VERY VARY HAPPY NEW YEAR, MY DEAR, To You and Kendall and Leah...! May 2007 be The Best Year Ever, for you and yours!

I was so moved by this post, I couldn't even bring myself to comment upon first reading. How generous of you to share Donna's writings, Danny. Donna, I can only imagine what you live with each day. You are brave, as is your son.

I work with a woman who is going through the same thing. I'll send her the link and see if it helps her. Thanks so much for posting this.

Thanks for this relevant reminder, Danny. And a very happy new year to you and yours, with all that you wish for coming true/through.

Thanks, Danny. If I ever become famous (for something other than speaking out against Bush and the war) and need a PR man, I'll know who to call.

Looking forward to more of your amusing and touching posts in 2007.

Michelle Almond Moore also has a son over there. He is with the 1st Infantry Division and this is his second tour. For his insight on Iraq, you can check out his myspace page at

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