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« Kendall Hailey is 40! | Main | Camping It Up »

July 16, 2006


There is so much to say in response to this post that I don't know where to begin. I have long thought about the blog hierarchy with the political blogs considered so much more important than our "personal" blogs. I have quite a personal stake in thinking about that too, as you know, Danny! But I couldn't agree with you more when you say: "How can we make sense of anything that is happening in the world if not through the lens of our own experience?"

For me, I rate the personal blogs very high up in my list and check in with political blogs from time to time just to see what people might be speculating about. So much of political blogging is only about speculation anyway.

I am watching the news in the Middle East with much anxiety. So many dear, dear people for me are involved in that region. The more there is war anywhere the more my heart breaks for everyone who suffers so terribly.

I like looking at the world through your lens, Danny. It is comedic, intellectual, personal, and poignant all at the same time. In any case, all these world events seem completely surreal to me most of the time - so disconnected to the real life of human beings: loving, eating and drinking, having children, becoming ill, dying, celebrating, being joyful, crying in each others arms.

Oh well ... the tip of the iceberg of what your post really raises for me about everything!

I love this post, Danny!

To me, saying, "I only read politcal blogs, I have no interest in reading personal blogs" is like saying, "I only read the newspapers, I have no interest in letters from friends."

I've thought for a while now that the term blog is just too vague to include all the different types of blogs out there. It's as if everyone just said "a book" for any piece of fiction, non-fiction, or poetry. Personal blogs are never going to compete in the big time compared to the political or celebrity blogs. And it probably is better that way.

Where would we be without your peculiarly TV-tinged perspective?! The world could use more like you.

But, sorry: I don't read blogs about TV.

Sela Ward is Arabic?

According to my research, Ward is of Lebanese ancestry even though she was born and bred in the Deep South.

Such a wonderful post Danny...thought provoking and touching, too...Oh how I wish that Danny Thomas were alive right now and was in charge of anything to do with the Middle East...Your blogging about TV shows to me is more important than most of the political blogs out there because you write about the things that have affected us in our life and gave us values and touched our hearts and minds...YOU make those connections for us in what you write about and you tie it all together so I can see how these cultural things truly affected beliefs as well as amusing us and pleasing us. And the lives that the TV stars or movie stars lived outside of their roles such as Danny Thomas has had an incredible impact on our country--our people--our children. St. Jude's Hospital is a living testemant to the goodness of one man who had a dream and a vision and acted on it and made it happen...And it is your "personal" view that gives us this unique and important perspective. This post touched me very very much, dear Danny. And I too will pray to St. Jude and maybe this horror that is happening in the Middle East and the other horror in Iraq will be helped if we ALL pray to St. Jude whether we believe or not.

It couldn't hurt! Right?

Danny, thanks for the memories...I LOVED Make Room for Daddy, I wanted to be Linda, and had such a crush on Rusty. Years later, I of course, wanted to be That Girl (in fact I have whole post I wrote about it...personal of course, not political). I'll take your personal blog over a political blog, anyday...really enjoyed this post.

When I was watching "Make Room for Daddy," Danny Thomas seemed no different from anyone else I knew...and I came from a part of the country that was about as white as it can get. (I'm not bragging about that.) All I could see was that he was a good guy and he was funny.

Perhaps the key to all of the issues you mention above is philanthropy--love of or benevolence toward humankind.

I don't read political blogs, but I never miss yours. Thank you!

As a personal blogger, using my posts to brazenly market my book, entertain, and amuse; I appreciate your support of our genre. And as a Jew, afraid to turn on the news because of casualties on both sides, I welcome your honest response to the headlines. I watched all the TV shows you mention, am also impressed with Danny Thomas' legacy, and wish someone with his good heart could intervene and end the nightmare. Thanks, Danny, for a thoughful post.

Found you through Neil...and I've enjoyed what I've read. Every once in a while I suffer from news burn out (like right now)...I just can't take anymore bad news, so to see your mix of personal and political is perfect.

"How can we make sense of anything that is happening in the world if not through the lens of our own experience?" - that is why I blog. Thanks Danny

Danny, I agree with you on this. There are plenty of political bloggers out there and I think they can handle the situation much better than I can, so unless I have something unique to say, I stay out of it.

That being said, personal blogging...what is that, anyway? If your blog is about who you are, how can it not at least touch on things that are important to you, like the fate of your people? You have your way of addressing this, and I think you did a fine job. And personally, I wish the world were fully of Danny Thomas's, but if they're out there, they are being very quiet right now.

I would like to keep psychotoddler an oasis of lunacy and stupid kid tricks. But every so often, I do have to vent about what's going on in the world.

I remember that right after Danny Thomas died someone was on a talk show reminiscing about him and stated that he was one of the people who was responsible for getting the words "under God" added to the Pledge of Alligence. I would like to think that this is true, but I have not seen anything that backs that statement up. God Bless, Danny Thomas no matter what. :)))

Thanks for your post. I have to tell you that I loved seeing uncle Tonoose. I was perhaps too young in the 1950's to understand the negative aspects of stereotypes. In fact, that Danny would have this old country relative was very cheering to me - I could identify, even though my folks were Croatian and Hungarian. In my neighborhood, everybody had "foreign" grandparents or uncles with old country ways. It was refreshing to see that represented on TV. Not every family was "Leave it to Beaver" in America. Now I had proof that we weren't the only ones, and that somehow, we counted. So, shukraan, Danny and Tonoose!

On another note, it has saddened and shocked me to see the way attitudes toward Arab-Americans has changed over the years. Growing up, for someone to be Lebanese or Syrian was regarded like being Italian or Greek - just another nationality in the mix of America; nothing more, nothing less. It distresses me to see how this has be transformed into a kind of unknowable, frightening otherness. Certainly the media, with racist, anti-Arab political cartoons worthy of Goebbels and right wing talk radio has helped bring about this awful transformation in the American popular mind.

Along similar lines, I've also seen a slow transformation of the attitude about Hispanics from "just another nationality" to menacing other.

Well, Middle Eastern people are unfortunately not the same like from the past. Problems in the Israeli Palestinian conflict have transfered to other middle eastern nations and ethnical groups. Danny Thomas was a Lebanese Christian, who are/were usually western orientated...

Hello Danny; my name is Jennifer Jacobs and I am the grand niece of Uncle Amos/Danny Thomas. I want to thank you for your kind words about him. It was wonderful to read and brought about sweet memories. Thanks again.

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