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March 15, 2006


Do you have to move back to Chicago to claim your rightful domain of "The Next Roger Ebert," or can you work from home?

Beautiful tribte to a great great actress and a wonderful person, too. Her Oscar speech is my favorite of all time, too. and I think she was the first to say this, ever!
I will write about my friendship with Norma, Danny...she was another great actress and a completely authentic woman! I miss her, still, and she died 33 years ago...I agree with you on "Fiddler", too!

You almost make me miss my days in the theater . . .

(oops . . . the above is my alias for my sister's blog)

Didn't quite recognize the name, but soon as i saw the face, a flood of film and tv memories came flooding back.
Crosley CR248 Songwriter CD Recorder

What a presence she was. I used to see her weekly in NYC when I lived there in another life. We dined at the same Chinese Restaurant on the Upper West Side. By then she was retired. She would show up in house slippers and a mumu/shift/housedress type of getup and showing NO worries of going out in her PJ's! Plenty of opportunities to see celebs in their daily lives, UNLIKE LA!

Thanks for your insights! I guess I'll be settling for the archives for a while. MISS the Charlie updates.

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