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February 09, 2006


Danny, it takes a sensitive man, to sit down and thoughtfully write about the lives and contributions of these three women. Beautiful post, thank you.

Danny, I should be so lucky to have someone as eloquent as you write about me after I die. Beautiful entry.

it's always sad when people any number.

Great Great Post, my dear! I to do not understand the comments about the funeral of Coretta Scott King being to Political...OY! I mean her whole life and that of her husband was spent in the poltical arena fighting fore peoples rights!!! Hello??? As you said, what would people have talked about at the Funeral of such a magnificent leader, if they could not mention ALL that she had fought so hard for, for all of her life.

I must tell you about my meeting Maya Angelou when next we meet and show you a magnificen LARGE book I have that she signed...When she first was coming up to the podium to speak, I was shocked and surprised at how frail she seemed--moving slowly and using a cane...but, as she spoke ALL that seeming frailness fell away completely and here was another strong warrior, still very much s formidable presence!!!

As you said Danny...we've lost three very great women in the last few weeks...So very sad for all of us and the world in general, and so very very sad for each of their family's

I just wrote about the feminist movement of the 60's and Betty Friedan.

Now I really want to read "The Feminine Mystique"...

It's so sad when three amazing women leave us all at once... There aren't enough good role models for little girls these days.

Beautiful post, Danny, one of the best I've read on the passing on these amazing women.

I sit here reading your post with tears running down my face. I keep trying to read pieces of it aloud to my sweetie sitting here beside me, and my voice breaks with the tears...

Tears for our loss of three courageous and powerful women who made a difference...

Tears at the incisive and insightful way you write...

Anticipatory tears at seeing and feeling the reality of mortality in all our beloved leaders, especially Maya Angelou...

Thank you for being--
yeah, that's enough...
just thank you for being.

Thank you for this post. It is an amazing tribute to these beautiful women who will be missed.

I watch the Correta Scott King and it reminded me of my Grandmother's funeral, I laughed and cried because there was sadness and joy, in remembering her life.

Thank you so much

When Bill Clinton said "there's a woman in there--not a symbol--a real woman who lived and breathed and got angry and got hurt and had dreams and disappointments," I wonder whether he was thinking about all Martin's compulsive infidelities and regretting the pain he'd caused his own wife.

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