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« Blog Ethics | Main | Forgive Me, Scarlett Johansson »

February 28, 2006


I was never a huge Don Knotts aficianado, but this post makes me reconsider that. The thing that I remember him most fondly from isn't anything you mentioned, but rather the strange and entertaining mystery "The Private Eyes." I actually got into trouble with my parents because of that movie once -- long story. Suffice to say, it was one of my favorites. Don Knotts was a fantastic actor, and I will miss him.

Also, Danny, I think you live in the center of some kind of celebrity whirlpool. Or maybe that's just California.

I grew up on a steady diet of "The Andy Griffith Show," which was always my dad's favorite program. I periodically find myself whistling Barney's tune from "Opie the Birdman" ("geee I'm feelin' baaad") and I'm confident that nobody around me has any clue what I'm doing.

Over the summer my boyfriend and I stopped for lunch in Morgantown, West Virginia, D.K.'s hometown. I ate a banana on Don Knotts Blvd. Good times!

I've always thought that much of what is claimed to be "good Christian values" in our society is really more like "good human values" that any person of any faith or tradition can exhibit. There is a universality to good behavior and solid reliability that transcends any given faith, as proven by your point that a character like Barney Fife was created, in large part, by Jewish writers. Thanx for this fine post!

Actually, though I appreciate the link, Danny, I don't think that I "weighed in on the spiritual impact Barney Fife."

What I was trying to say, perhaps ineffectively, is that if one wondered at the appeal of a faith that calls on us to admit our foibles and weaknesses, as both Judaism and Christianity do, one might consider the appeal of the Barney Fife character.

There is nothing heroic about him, at least not as heroism is classically defined. It's his transparent weakness that gives him his appeal. And Barney is at his most lovable when, his humanity on full display, he acknowledges the weaknesses he tries so to hide and breaks through to some new insight about himself and about life.

For the Jew and the Christian, faith and life begin when we can, like the Twelve Steppers whose program was taken straight from the Bible, admit that we are powerless to overcome our own compulsions and that we need our Higher Power.

As usual, you've written a truly wonderful piece here, Danny!

Mark Daniels

Again, you've hit the nail on the head. Don Knotts is at the center of so many childhood memories, is among the most vivid of the memories of that black-and-white town we all wanted to live in.

Don Knotts' comedy was so intense, and so tensile, it was almost painful. He knew a lot about people. I hated THREE'S COMPANY, but a little less when he was on it.

Oh My God, I loved this Danny...Our lives Criss Cross in so very many ways and I just realized from reading this..there are more ways than I knew! Bill Idelson's wife, the lovely Seemah Wilder Idelson is one of my dearest friends...and of course, I've known Bill and their kids for over 30 years, including their beautiful talented daughter, Ellen Idelson, who was an actress and a successful television writer, just like her Daddy and Sam, until her tragic death just 2 and 1/2 years ago, at the age of 42...!

And thank you for mentioning the STAGE Benefit (An Event very close to my heart as you know)....and our mutual dearness Carole C.

There was a brilliance to Don Knott's work that might have gone unnoticed by many because he made it all look so very simple and easy...I still recall first seeing him on the Steve Allen Tonight show...when he was one of the "Man On The Street" guys, along with Louis Ney and Tom Posten and Bill Dana....Knott's being the most neurotic and nervous of them...and completely hilariously funny every time he appeared...

What a wonderful tribute to him, Danny, and to Andy Griffith and to Sam Bobrick and your Daddy, too...To have friendships that last for soooo very many years is the true "gold" of life, isn't it? May you have just one, Danny...cause if you do, you'll have everything.

Thanks for once again touching my heart.

Did you see larry king last night, Danny? He had on Andy Griffith, Ron Howard, Don Knott's daughter, and Joyce DeWitt. They all could not speak hightly enough about Don Knotts.

I never cared much for the "Andy Griffith Show", but I loved Don Knotts. If a story centered around Barney, I'd watch it.

I have many fond memories watching him and Tim Conway in "The Apple Dumpling Gang" movies.

Oh my God, The Incredible Mr. Limpet! I remember watching that movie when I was little! I had totally forgotten about it until now.
Yeah, The Andy Griffith Show is a great show. I grew up on reruns. And of course, Barney Fife was my favorite character. "Nip it in the bud!"
Hey, do you remember that commercial they used to play on the tv and radio that sang "We Love Barney Fife" to the tune of "We Didn't Start the Fire"?

My father looks EXACTLY like Andy Griffith. I was convinced it was his show when I was a kid. I share your love and respect for Don Knotts, comic genius.

thank you so much for your generous sharing of personal memories, treasures and tribute to adorable don knott's and the talented actors, writers, and friends and family in your post.

i found your amazing blog by googling aneta,
could you possibly scan that mod picture + do a post on her? i am a huge fan + i think we are related a few generations back

I knew someone from Morgantown who told me he had known Don Knots. he said Don would love to come back to his home town after he had made it big and ride through the streets in his nice new model car.

BTW .. The West Virginia pronunciation how you politely ask someone if they have dined recently was "jeet yet?"


I really dug your post on Don and the AGS --the classic B@W episodes are legend--and so is Don Knotts. Your personal connection to the show is really cool--I think everybody who worked on the show must have been very inspired to come up with so many lasting stories and characters. The proof is in the pudding so to speak.

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