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« Good-bye, Andy Hardy! | Main | My Gift to You »

December 26, 2005


As an outsider, I must say you look quite handsome - except for the idiotic hat - not at all what I expected after your past "dysmorphic" rants... enjoy it while you've got it. everything is relative.

You sound as critical of yourself as I do - you look great! I particularly enjoyed the portion of the Chanukah description, being the sole maker of latkes in my house, I certainly understood the liberal use of oil here. And there anything better? Happy Chanukah!

A terrific picture! You all look so happy and festive!

Danny, you look great...Santa hat and all! Beautiful family. You're party sounds like it was wonderful. By the insomnia and I seem to be the best of friends lately...I turned on my t.v. in the middle of the night and the first thing to pop up was Sally Field in A Woman of Independent Means!

nice to put a face with the blog.

Danny! I love the new name of the blog (for some reason it reminds of me the run-together word/question of our north country neighbors, "Didjegitcherdeeryet?".) I think it's funny.

And I noticed you are much less vitriolic this year. Good for you! Sure, as a lapsed Catholic (love those bells and smells), I celebrate Christmas, but I'm a gardener (not a Gardnerian) -- for me the holiday is the Solstice. The days are getting longer, and the seed catalogues are arriving daily.

Happy Hanukkah to you, Kendall, and Leah. (And you look fine!)

Just read this one DAnny and it sounds like you had a great Celebration on Saturday night...So wish I could have been there...LATKE'S..I WANT LATKE'S!!! (lol)..
Hope you bring in 2006 with as much Joie as you did with Hanukah and Christmas!!!

You look great, Danny. And I think I know fat when I see it.

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