Today is the one year anniversary of my blog and I’m marking the occasion by changing my blog title. I’ve already written about how much I hated “Andy Hardy Writes a Blog” despite my affection for MGM’s Andy Hardy series. I just threw that title in there without any thought when I created this blog a year ago today but it never seemed quite right. Most people have never heard of Andy Hardy so they don’t get that the name is an attempt to mimic the titles of those old films: “Andy Hardy Gets Spring Fever,“ “Andy Hardy Meets a Debutante,” Andy Hardy Writes a Blog.” Get it? Neither do I. Nor do I identify that strongly with goyishe Andy Hardy or Mickey Rooney, the actor who portrayed him in the 16 films. Besides, I’d rather have a blog title that does not contain a person’s name or the word “blog.” So go in peace, Andy Hardy. Thanks for sticking around but now it’s time to hit that MGM backlot in the sky.
From the beginning I’ve toyed with the idea of calling my blog “Jew Eat Yet?” after one of my favorite exchanges in “Annie Hall” but I was afraid that having the word “Jew” in the title would put me into some kind of cyber-ghetto. I’ve since realized that I am a permanent resident of that ghetto whether I like it or not, so what the hell. I don’t want to alienate any of my Gentile readers but the only ones who might be offended by the word “Jew” are those neo-Nazis who find my site because they keep googling Hitler and Goebbels.
I ask you (again), is there anything more pathetic and narcissistic than writing about the title of your own blog as if it is a subject of vital importance to the world at large (or even the world inside your own house)? I first started complaining about the title on my blog’s two-month anniversary and I later went so far as to offer prizes for coming up with a new one. I got a ton of suggestions, some that I liked very much, and I was very close to using The Retropolitan’s “Rampant Nostalgia” (one of 151 titles he submitted!) when I decided it just wasn’t me. So I’m back to my original idea. People who have never seen “Annie Hall” may be confused and I know that half the people who visit this blog will despise the title on sight.
I had no idea what I was doing when I first wrote in here last December 23rd which is evident by my inane first post:
I was shocked when I received my first comments a few days later (even though they were from my brother and sister) and flabbergasted when I heard from my first stranger a few days after that. Over the course of the year I have formed some wonderful friendships as a result of this blog, gotten a few freelance writing assignments, found an author to write a book for my company, heard from friends and relatives I haven’t spoken to in decades, and located a previously unknown branch of my family that has been living in Switzerland for several generations.
The blog has caused a few fights between me and Kendall (who has always been my most supportive reader except when I included verbatim quotes from her that were critical of famous actors) and it has also helped to ease strife between us by allowing me to write things that I was unable to say to her face.
Sometimes I wonder why I write in here. It’s such an ephemeral form—I sit in front of my computer into the wee hours of the morning writing a post about some topic of interest to me (and possibly no one else). It’s read by a few people for a day or so and then disappears into the netherworld of my archives, never to be heard from again. On the other hand, before I started a blog I was experiencing major writer’s block. I had written a bunch of personal essays years earlier but for a long time I had been unable to find the time or motivation to write anything new. Today I can report that I’ve never written as much as I have during the past year—170 posts, some of them extremely long (sorry!). I’ve received 945 comments which despite my neurosis is still way more feedback than I ever received about my writing before the blog and from a much wider swath. I’ve had a total of 78,850 hits with visitors from 44 countries including Sweden, Latvia, the Islamic Republic of Iran, Croatia, Cuba, Estonia, and the United Arab Emirates. Granted, most of those people are not looking for my ramblings but find their way here because of searches that lead to my site including (in the past two hours) “Nazi policy on redheads,” “Was Lucille Ball Jewish?” “Brokeback Mountain parody,” “Agnes Moorehead foot fetish,” “Laurie Metcalf pregnant,” “Spencer Tweedy Rolling Stones,” as well as the ever-popular “Amy Carter today” and “Mary Ellen Walton nude.”
The bottom line is that I LOVE writing in this blog and there’s no way I can pretend that I don’t. It’s become an addiction. If more than a few days go by without posting something new I start to get an uncomfortable feeling and I become irritable and depressed. It's only when I complete a new post that I feel a sense of relief and satisfaction—I've gotten my fix for another day.
I look forward to continuing to write in here regularly and seeing where it takes me, and I thank everyone who’s stopped by during my first year.
See ya, Andy.
Happy Blogiversary, Danny! I have to state publically that if it wasn't for you I would not have started blogging less than a month later. I think this is the second time since I met you that you have saved my self-expressional life.
Am not sure how to thank you for that ...
I will change your title on my blogroll immediately. Congratulations and good luck!
Posted by: Tamar | December 23, 2005 at 04:38 AM
I don't know if I want to change my blogroll! I liked Andy Hardy. It was...retro.
Posted by: The Retropolitan | December 23, 2005 at 05:34 AM
What is it with starting blogs in December? You are just one of several bloggers I know, myself included, that began a blog a year ago, or two years ago, in December.
In any case, mazel tov on reaching this milestone. It *is* a big achievement to regularly let strangers into your life and reveal your multifaceted self--perhaps that's the best kind of therapy there is!
I was thrilled to discover that Andy Hardy lived on in you -- but okay, he can stand to be retired again. Looking forward to future words of wisdom from Danny Miller!
Happy Chanukah to you and your family.
Posted by: Pearl | December 23, 2005 at 05:51 AM
Danny, congratulations on settling on a new title. I like it! And it should prevent me from my bad habit of accidentally typing "Andy" instead of "Danny" in comments.
How do you find out what people searched to find your blog?
Posted by: Heather | December 23, 2005 at 06:07 AM
I read and appreciate your long posts. I'm always happy when bloglines tells me you've updated! It's true they then disappear into the archive - but isn't that the way life is, too?
Posted by: Melinama | December 23, 2005 at 07:07 AM
I loved discovering this blog - i hear your voice very clearly when I read your writing - I was laughing at your musing if anyone cares about this stuff - I find myself wondering the same thing when I wrote in my blog, but lo and behold, you are writing and that is the most important thing (and entertaining countless people out here in blog-land!) So goodbye Andy Hardy and welcome Jew Eat Yet?
Posted by: Wendy | December 23, 2005 at 09:17 AM
As always, this post...I will miss Andy Hardy but at least we still have YOU! (by the way...can we assume that adorable little boy slouching on the great big chair, is you?!
Posted by: cruisin-mom | December 23, 2005 at 02:20 PM
Happy Blog Birthday, Danny. I'm a newbie, just discovered you today when the Old Old Lady of the Hills sent me here after my rant on my blog about Christmas. Go read it, you'll find it amusing. I LOVE your title. It's fits perfectly. And that's a quote I use all the time, too. I'm glad to have found you. I think we might become blog buddies.
Posted by: margalit | December 23, 2005 at 02:22 PM
Mazal Tov!
..and a rose by any other name is still...
an always warm and intelligent read.
Happy Chanukah and a Happy New Year.
Posted by: Sophia | December 23, 2005 at 02:28 PM
Congrats on your being a whole year old. I found this blog quite by accident while checking out child stars of the past and your mention of Nina from Zoom! came up. While a friend of mine was a student at Boston University (or was it Boston College?) he worked at the financial aid office and his boss was awfully familiar .... Yup! Nina! He found an old Zoom 45 he had at home for her to autograph and they cracked up about it.
Posted by: Joe Cabrera | December 23, 2005 at 06:38 PM
Congratulations on your year anniversary and on a great title! As a note I recognized the line you were quoting - totally one of my favorite movies and favorite lines. I'm very glad you're going to continue your wonderful writing - this is one addiction I encourage. :) Happy Hannukah!
Posted by: Adriana Bliss | December 24, 2005 at 03:34 PM
happy anniversary andy! er...danny!
i very muchly enjoy reading your blog...big thanks to your sister for pointing me in its direction!
here's to another year of ramblings and reflections on the great internets!
Posted by: Rosie | December 24, 2005 at 05:59 PM
Happy blogosversary, Danny - and Happy Hanukkah too. I've changed the name on my blogroll :-)
Posted by: Ronni Bennett | December 25, 2005 at 07:15 AM
Danny: On this momentous occasion, your blogiversary and change of blogership (new name), I want to let you know what a great job you have done this past year. I appreciate you sharing your innermost thoughts to thousands of us loyal fans - I'm just glad you are still my friend after such fame and soon-to-be fortune. Just don't get blogged down in the coming year, as we want to read your blogs for a long, long time!
Love, Michael J.
Posted by: Michael J | December 25, 2005 at 02:04 PM
Hi Danny,
I watched Michael send his post to you and wanted to add my two cents. I have enjoyed your blog this last year so much. The entries have made me laugh and made me cry. I have read them all and it has helped me keep in touch with what is happening in your life.
Happy Hannukah to you and your family and Happy One Year Anniversary to you.
Adam is home for the holidays and we are gong to San Francisco for a seven course CHinese dinner followed by several comedians. It is called kosher comedy has been recomended as a fun place for Jews to go on Christmas.
Posted by: Laurie | December 25, 2005 at 02:18 PM
Maybe you'll end up being inspired to just change the title once a year... I have a feeling that people might be expecting more talk about food now! :)
Happy holidays. Or Merry Christmahanakwanzika, as they say on tv commercials.
Posted by: Rurality | December 25, 2005 at 07:20 PM
Congrats on a year of writing! The addiction factor -- yeah, we all understand that. Goodbye Andy Hardy. Hello Danny Miller.
Posted by: Winston | December 26, 2005 at 03:54 AM
"Not yet. Jew?"
I'm not sure how big this batch - my first - of latkes will be, but I appreciate your tips on freezing and baking when served later! Turns out the wikipedia has a link to a latke recipe. That's the one I plan to use. I'm hoping to leave out the secret ingredient so many friends have mentioned, namely the grated fingertips.
Incidentally, I don't like the name of your blog, but I like "Danny Miller's blog" very much, so who cares if it has a corny header at the top? "Andy Hardy" didn't do anything for me either!
Congratulations on a year of great work in this newish medium! I'm glad we're neighbors.
Posted by: fp | December 26, 2005 at 08:26 AM
Hi Danny..
I swear I left a comment for you days ago!!! Shoot...Well, whatever!
I loved Andy Hardy Writes A Blog, but I love this new name, too! I congratulate you on your one year Anniversary, my dear....THAT is quite a milestone! And I thank you and Kendall for launching me into the is utterly fascinating and surprising out here/there, isn't it?
Glad to see Marglit came by!
I wish you the Happiest of Hanukah's my dear dear Danny....and many many more to come...I so look forward to every new post of yours Danny!
Posted by: OldOldOldLady Of The Hills | December 26, 2005 at 08:49 AM
Is it one year already? Just know, I'll read you whatever you call yourself, even if it's "Susie's Brother." Much love and writing for the new year and beyond!
Posted by: Elaine Soloway | December 26, 2005 at 09:20 AM
I don't believe putting the word Jew in your title would scare people off. In fact, I think it would attract more of the ladies.
Posted by: Shanon | December 26, 2005 at 12:58 PM
Andy will be missed but whatever you call it I'm sure Andy will live on in spirit.
Posted by: justin kreutzmann | December 26, 2005 at 01:02 PM
Congratulations on your blogiversary, Danny, and may you enjoy many more -- and more to the point, may we, your readers, enjoy many more years of your distinctive, beautifully designed, open-hearted, humorous, informative, and frequently moving blog. As you've noted, it's a thrilling experience to get to know people through this medium, an opportunity we wouldn't have had even a decade ago.
I didn't have to change your named on my blogroll, fortunately, because it's just "Danny Miller." That's good enough for me.
Posted by: Richard Lawrence Cohen | December 26, 2005 at 05:50 PM
Mazel Tov on your Blah-giversary. I just started reading you today. I too remember when, shortly after writing my first post, I got a comment from someone I knew! Of course, I didn't realize at the time how obsessive bloggers were about their stats, and that he had immediately been notified about the birth of my blog because of the link I posted to his.
More or less how I found you, BTW.
Posted by: psychotoddler | December 29, 2005 at 05:11 PM
A belated congrats. Same great blog, great new package!
I have a blogiversary coming up, but I can't even imagine affecting people the way you do. I tip my hat to you, and look forward to many more good reads.
Posted by: david | December 30, 2005 at 06:59 PM
Danny, congrats on a year. I, too, have really enjoyed checking in with you now and then. I'm coming up on a year of my phlog (photo-log). I take a picture a day with my cellphone and post it at I said I would do it for a year and I will. One and a half months left! Check it out. There's even a pic of the Blisters from a charity event where they played on 11/30/05 (Phlog 10). And speaking of the Blisters, you may be interested to know that, by popular demand, we are starting to run the original edit of the commercial for Quaker. It includes the whole oatmeal song and Spencer's line "It will help you rock efficiently." It's a long story how this came to be but let me just say I consider a victory after a 5-month effort.
Anyway, congrats again. And I like the new blog name.
Posted by: chris | January 03, 2006 at 09:05 PM
I can't believe in all the conversations we had in the last couple of weeks that you didn't mention that you were changing the name of your blog! I'm way behind on my reading but send you my approval for the new name-I believe it's one of the ones I voted for? I think I mainly voted for titles with the word "jew" in them-somehow they just rang true.
Posted by: shari | January 04, 2006 at 06:06 PM
Danny, I'm glad you started your blog a year ago. I especially like your posts where you remember and reflect on your own education. And I'm glad you changed the name. I guess it's because I've never seen one of his movies, but for some reason I associate Mickey Rooney with those commercials he does for walkers or canes (or something like that). Anyway, I like the new name, too!
Posted by: Matt | January 07, 2006 at 05:10 AM