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« Schlepping Over the Rainbow | Main | My Favorite Right-Wing Republican »

November 13, 2005


Danny, you might want to crop that image just a little tighter; I guessed who they were before I read the post, so lest anyone get mad atcha...

Hi Danny..
I am of a different generation than you and neverr really got 'The Stones'. I certainly got The Beatles but not at first, at all....I love the way you express yourself and while doing so give us so much 'cool' information, too. I am unfamiliar with your Brother-In-Law...(how pitiful is that?)...but most of the Rock music of the last 20 years has passed me by. Oh Dear, I AM showing my OldOld Lady stripes, aren't I?
I always love reading your posts, my dear....

I'm smiling from ear to ear. What a great pic...

I just had a dream about seeing the Rolling Stones the other night...but they were at least 30 years younger than they are now...Actally, it was pretty cool.

I've recently gotten into the Stones, and begun to appreciate the greatness of their music and, of course, their utter coolness. Musically, well, I could probably write a full blog entry about how cool it is that they take their influences from really American folk music: country and blues. Also, they never struck me as being great singers (unlike the Beatles who could pull fantastic harmonies out of nowhere), but that was part of what made them so special, it seems like it made them almost more true to what they were trying to portray. Not to mention that they wrote such darn catchy the ones you mentioned...and whenever I listen to "Paint It Black" I can't help thinking that this is probably the earliest strains of punk rock. And everyone can still sing the choruses of their greatest hits.

A couple years ago, I was sitting in homeroom with the 'punk rock' kids who worshipped kurt cobain, michael stipe and billy corgan. I was used to them criticizing my musical taste, and could usually shrug it off. But on this particular day, they were having a conversation that didn't concern me at all. One of them said "The Rolling Stones suck." I turned around. Now, at this point, I wasn't the biggest stones fan...I could hardly sing the choruses of the greatest hits. "Excuse me?" I said. "The Stones suck." he responded. "Just because you don't like them doesn't mean they suck," I defended a band I didn't even understand. "No, they just suck," the kid said. To this day I still remember the look on his smug elitist face. Funny how someone can claim to know so much about music and yet deny something that is so obviously an influence of their favorite bands.

Pardon my rant...I guess I've just been thinking about the Stones a lot lately...Thanks for writing about them, Danny, this was another excellent post.

The Stones are just cool. No more need be said.

That is really great, Danny. The littlest nephew looks wary! I love the Rolling Stones but I am forever a Beatles gal.

Re: Your Update

Danny, Don't forget Susie's signed T-shirt from Jagger from when he dropped in ther bar she managed looking for musicians, before she bought in to Lounge Ax.

One day, that photo is going to be Sammy's prize possession. That look is priceless.

Fabulous photo. I hope your beautiful nephews don't end up looking like those old rockers. The Stones were great, yeah, (esp. No Satisfaction) but Mick-the-prancing-big-mouth never appealed to me.

Beatles or Stones? My answer back in the day was Stones. The raunch and the irresistible danceability . . . the Beatles were clever lightweights by comparison. A less-known Stones song that's a favorite of mine: "Moonlight Mile." Druggy as hell, but climaxes in the best metaphor for sex ever -- "I'm goin' home, riding down your moonlight mile" -- and an unmistakable musical orgasm.

That Joker-like slice of Keith Richard leaning on your nephew is priceless.

Hi Danny,
I was Spencer's doc back in Chicago awhile back, and even saw Sammy once or twice. Your sister told me about your blog and I quite enjoy it. That picture really captures the boys perfectly. Spencer is "too cool for school" and Sammy just goes with the flow, analyzing and asking "why" a lot. I love those boys. Thanks for sharing.

I saw the Stones here in San Diego a week ago and I was blown away by Mick Jagger's youthful energy. He was constantly in motion. When he left the stage for a while, the energy level of the crowd (which was huge) dropped. When he came back, the crowd went crazy. It was a fun, but predictable show - I would have LOVED it if Wilco had opened for US.

The image of a kid in punk rock clothes listening to Captain & Tenniele is PRICELESS.

great post. the stones can do no wrong in my opinion.

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