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November 20, 2005


I haven't seen the film, but somehow I know Joaquin Phoenix has got to win the Oscar. Who else would? There haven't been too many Oscar winning performances this year, at least in the big movie category.

Poor Reese Witherspoon - the unhappy target of a gazillion obnoxious paparazzi. One wonders why she and Ryan don't up and move to Wyoming. Have you seen "Freeway?" You'll forgive Reese for a million clunkers just for that one alone.

Wow... what a great blog! I had high interest in seeing the film already but now, it's a sure thing. ^_^

Thanks for posting this.

Wow, you're the second person today that told me to go see that film.
I was really hoping it would be many of the music bio pics are not (as you said).
I'm really happy for Joaquin. I knew River and am glad his younger brother is doing so well.
So I guess you're giving the movie 10 thumbs up!

Well, I was planning to wait until Walk the Line came out on DVD but I think you've convinced me to see it sooner, Danny! I love the subjects of the film as well as the actors, so I have been looking forward to this for a long time. I just don't see many things in the theater because I have social anxiety. Maybe it will be in the theater for a long time and I can catch an uncrowded matinee.

Okay, okay, Danny - I am convinced ... I will see it as soon as possible for every single one of the reasons you have given here. But most especially because Kendall loved it so much. I do *SO* admire Kendall's opinion on all sorts of things!!

Here's the link to an NPR segment about "Ring of Fire" (the song):


"Walk the Line" sounds like a must-see.

BTW, I highly recommend LIVE AT FOLSOM PRISON as a perfect starting-place to explore the Man in Black's music. The songs and performances are terrific, but my favorite parts are when Johnny sings about doing something illegal/violent/antisocial, and the inmates give him a huge cheer!

I linked to this excellent reflection on 'Walk the Line' on my blog. At some point, I hope to write on Christians and tolerance, inspired by what you have written here.

God bless!

Mark Daniels

Brilliantly blogged movie review... I might have missed the movie. Now that I have read your review I will be sure to see it.

Hey Danny...
So glad you reviewed this film...and have given it such High Marks! And Kendall's opinion is important to me, as, I'm hoping that the SAG screeners will include this film...(Please, Please, Please!!!) They are starting to come more, maybe with any luck, it will get to me!!! Great Post!!! Have you ever written reviews of films for any publications? YOU SHOULD!!!!


I can't wait to see the film.

two things...
1) While I haven't yet seen the movie (likely tomorrow--T'day Friday), I'm still rooting for Phillip Seymour Hoffman as Truman Capote. Brilliant. Flawless. Subtle. I hope neither gentleman is hurt by the "Ray" win last year, and it would be so fine to see them duking it out come March 5.
2)I once saw June Carter Cash at the Troubador in LA (Johnny joined her on stage for a few songs, which I will forever treasure), and she mused "We have six daughters--" I may have this number wrong--
"and fourteen ex-sons-in-law. Of course, they never leave, even after they are exes. They just get remarried, and stay in the family, and bring along their new wives. Recently, Nick Lowe [once married to Carlene Carter] said to me `But June, I don't want to be an ex-son-in-law. I want to be a son-in-law again!' So, yes, six daughters, and fourteen ex-sons-in-law. You boys in the audience, just go line up over there. Our daughters will get to you eventually."
Right then and there, every single person in the audience wanted to be a part of the Cash family.

You nailed this review. Especially #3. A week after seeing the film, I had to go out and buy The Essential Johnny Cash (there were so many to choose from, but I picked this one) and have been playing it non-stop. It is a fine film that can bring these characters to life so fully that you want to delve into their careers without abandon. Great review. Great blog.



I absolutely loved River with all my heart, and I know Joaquin is still tormented by his beloved brother's passing. Funny, it never ceases to amaze me how startled so many are to learn that by Hebrew law, all the Phoenix children are technically Jews, though I believe they all chose to embrace Christianity as a religion. Just goes to show you how little people choose to know. Joaquin will go far, and I have no doubt his big brother is very proud of him.

I really like your post, I guess I'm a Johnny-come-lately as I have long since seen the movie, own the DVD and have watched it many times since. Great film, that has got me reading, listening and interested in Johnny Cash. And it really doesn't matter whetther Joaquin Phoenix won an Oscar or not, his performance in this film is an inconceivably brilliant work of art will live on celluloid forever. Oscars are no match for what that man has got.

Great post. I could watch this movie again and again and never get tired of it.

Walk The Line was a rare gem of a movie and the acting was stellar in it... and this was an excellent write up about the movie and the actors... i enjoyed reading your write up of a very well done movie :)

Send Fake Emails from whoever u want!! ! You can email from anyone u like!!
Even Billgates!!

I totally agree with you

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