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« Will the Real Danny Miller Please Stand Up? | Main | The Day That Belongs to You »

July 10, 2005


I was driving past Hollywood Boulevard, and I saw a whole group of people dressed up in lederhosen. At first I thought it was Hollywood just being Hollywood, but now I see the reason.

I really didn't like the ending of War of the Worlds. Did the writers come from Boston? I like Fanueal Hall as much as the next guy, but is that the only place left standing?

Tom Cruise seriously needs to be sedated or something, the guy is a total nut.

About once a year there's a Sound of Music Sing-along at the Music Box Theatre in Chicago which is, of course, much smaller than the Hollywood Bowl. Next year I should get my mother and her sisters together and actually go because it looks like such a good time!

"Darling, haven't you ever heard of a delightful little thing called boarding school?" That's my favorite non-musical part of the whole movie! I would never think of booing anyone but the Nazis. And maybe Sister Berthe. Even that turncoat Rolfe was just a pawn.

Yay, another convert to the Elsa von Schrader Anti-Defamation League! But Rolf—I don't think there was any hope for him. He probably volunteered to serve the Fatherland on the Russian front and never came back from the war. Funny how the actors who played Liesl and Rolf (Charmian Carr and Daniel Truhitte) never made another movie again, despite being touted as the Next Big Things. And Rolf ended up marrying Liesl's stand-in he met in Austria whose parents were named...Rolf and Liesl!

I wish I'd have known about the Sing along at the Hollywood Bowl. That sounds like an incredibly cool event and I LOVE the Bowl. (You can bring your own wine in. BONUS!)

You brought the night somewhat to life here and maybe, they'll do this again... I had a Sound of Music party one year and dressed as "Marta grown up into a hussy." I'd love to do that one again.

Tom Cruise makes me want to move to a place where there are no computers, no People magazine, and no television. What's happened to that dude?

I agree with all the praise given to The Sound Of Music movie, but you have a fact in error. The children in the movie DID sing the entire soundtrack. They recorded it before doing anything else, then sang along with it while filming the movie. The voices did not always have enough strength so four other singers were added to the recording of the soundtrack to give the music more volume. One of the singers happens to be Carmian Carr's younger sister Darleen. In the ballroom So-Long, Farewell, if is Darleen's voice that makes the high-pitvched "BYE" lipped by Kurt. But that really is the von Trapp film kids.

Thanks for that correction, TSOM Fan! The reason I thought that is because I once met one of the people who recorded "Do Re Mi" but that person was probably one of the kids that supplemented the real actors' voices, as you suggest. And I didn't know that about Darleen Carr (who I really liked in her acting work), that's a great tidbit!! I guess I assumed that Charmian and Angela were the only "real" voices is because they were the only ones with recognizable solos in the film.

I loved this post!

Baroness Von Schrader does say the silliest line in the movie when she tells Maria "If you ever need any advice on becoming a nun Maria, I would be happy to help". What would she know about becoming a nun?? Hmmmmm. having just read that the real Maria Von Trapp was two months pregnant with her first of three children to the Georg von Trapp when she married him in Austria, I don't suppose she knew too much about the real life of a nun either!!

It's so good to hear that there are other people out there who feel awful about the treatment of Baroness Schrader. I hope the Baroness wasn't based on a real woman. Imagine the poor woman being booed everywhere she went when she did nothing wrong. Imagine what this poor woman's relatives must be going through.

My mother once worked for the Mayor of Los Angeles. (I worked for a LA City Councilman about the same time) One of her co-workers was Guy Williams,Jr., son of the actor famous for playing Zorro. Guy, Jr. met Angela Cartwright on the set of his father's current TV series, Lost in Space. Without thinking, he asked Angela on a date to a revival filmhouse showing...of course...The Sound of Music. He was completely embarrassed when he realized she was in it. He apologized profusely, but she said that she enjoyed it because she had never seen the whole movie all the way through. I never heard whether there was a second date.

My mother once worked for the Mayor of Los Angeles. (I worked for a LA City Councilman about the same time) One of her co-workers was Guy Williams,Jr., son of the actor famous for playing Zorro. Guy, Jr. met Angela Cartwright on the set of his father's current TV series, Lost in Space. Without thinking, he asked Angela on a date to a revival filmhouse showing...of course...The Sound of Music. He was completely embarrassed when he realized she was in it. He apologized profusely, but she said that she enjoyed it because she had never seen the whole movie all the way through. I never heard whether there was a second date.

@Linda, Maria Von Trapp said that she made a mistake in filling out a form, entering her first daughter's birth year as 1928 instead of 1929. If you had ten children (and I do) you would know how easy it is to put down the wrong year, especially if you think "okay, she's 8, that makes her year ____." That is the origin of the idea that she was pregnant when they married, but she says (and the wedding photos bear it out) that she wasn't pregnant - she would have actually had to be 7 months pregnant at the wedding, not 2 or 3, and it would have been obvious.

Great post, I enjoyed it!

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