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« Nothing Is Better for Thee Than Me | Main | Forefathers »

June 15, 2005


I WAS THERE!!!!!!! What an amazing show!!!!!
I wasnt in the VIP seating, thats for damn sure!
I thought about you a bunch of times last night, and Nate leaned over and one point and asked if i thought you were there. I said definitely.
Sorry we missed you! (And Juliette Lewis and James Spader).
Send on our congrats, what a phenomenal performance!

What a touching post about your mother (and other things). I wouldn't worry about your daughter's Bugsy Malone getup at the concert. You still have another six years or so until you really start worrying about how's she's dressing at that rock concert.

Thanks, Sara and Neil. Sara, you should have told us you and Nate were going, we would have loved to have seen you! You are my Internet niece, after all! Six years until I start worrying about Leah's get-ups? Oy, have you seen how 12-year-olds dress these days?

While it's nice that Wilco is getting super-huge and all, I fondly remember the days when I had their albums and no one else knew who they were. They were MY band, dammit! MINE!

On the other hand, it feels good to be proven right.

(Ha! I just noticed in the picture that your daughter is not only dressed like a 1920's moll, but is also holding a wad of cash. I hope she put that away before her moment on the big screen!)

This is not a post on a blog: this is an epic novel, a dehydrated screenplay; this is a great American saga. Can't believe you're living in it!

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