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« My Loving Parents: Pat and Roald | Main | Your Dog Is Dead »

March 19, 2005


The house looks lovely, and like every other member of the on-camera world, not nearly as old as it really is. Frankly, I think you've been injecting Botox around the window frames.

Danny: Cripes, we're even more related than I thought: I spent two years as executive director of the nonprofit advocacy/preservation group in Lower Downtown, Denver's downtown historic district. The two most politically active (and stressful) years of my life. The neighborhood's stunning. Have you ever been there?

I was about to say I'd find it hard to live where reality and fantasy so often collide. But then I remembered that I was an actor in my past life, and so reality and fantasy went head-to-head every day for about seven years.

See you soon!

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