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« “Before We Had Any History” | Main | “Herr Hitler, Your Wife Is on Line 2” »

March 07, 2005


What a beautiful story!

It makes me think about my own family. My sister Sue was 20 when my brother Josh was born. In fact, my mother was breastfeeding him at Sue's wedding. Sue's first daught, Batsheva, is only one year younger than her uncle Josh.

My nephew, Shimon is two years younger than me. His father, my brother, is twenty years older than me.

And then of course there's the complexity that Sue is from a different daddy to me and Harry (Shimon's father, my brother) is from a different mother to me...

Hmm... perhaps I should blog about all this one day, eh?

Danny: You should know that Annie and I are very close -- have gotten closer over the years -- and that she's -- well -- more than a decade older than me. You should also know that my son and stepdaughters have bonded in a really phenomenal way, even though they're 6 and almost 9 years older than him. In fact, he's kind of the glue of the family. I half-expect resentment and animosity over imagined favoritism to creep in in later years, but right now, he and his half-sisters are very tight indeed. As are Annie and I, though almost of different generations... But enough about me. Your Uncle Paul sounds cool as hell. Make sure Leah gets to spend some time with him.

Oh, and one other thing about me. My ex-wife, a pretty successful theatre actress for a couple of decades, who swore she never wanted to have kids, just had her second son -- at 45. Weird how things change, isn't it? You and Kendall probably have about a decade of fertility ahead of you.

Second son at 45? I better get started.

Just came across your article and I believe the Bob Rudnick you mention was my brother. I believe I met Paul at my brothers funeral in Chicago, if it was him he was a great help in all the arrangements, my family appreciated it greatly. If it is him please say hello and forward my address to him. Thanks.
Alan Rudnick

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